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Comedian Act



I'm working on a mock comedian act, so I wrote a section down in my signature. You should all go read it and tell me what you think. B)

EDIT: Meh, here;s my sig:

Have you noticed how guys and girl pack so, so differently? It's amazing how different we are. If there is a Youth Retreat for the teenagers of a church, and they tell everyone to pack for 10 days, most guys will look at their clothes, brush them off and say "These are good for another 3 days." So they only pack 4 more days of clothes.


Girls, on the other hand, if you tell them to pack for 10 days, they pack for emotions. They have to have an outfit ready for happiness, anger, sadness, bliss, chilled, enraged, triumphant and dark for every day and every weather pattern.


A guy gets into the youth van with a little backpack and everyone's like "What's in there?" and the guy replies "All my stuff." Then a girl gets in with a little backpack and everyone's like "What's in there?" and the girl replies "Makeup." Everyone's like, "So where are your clothes?" And the girl says "See that semi-truck behind us? My clothes are in there." Then a girl perks up in the back and says "That one isn't yours, it's mine. Yours is 3 trucks back."






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No, no. You have to do it like Jerry Seinfeld or it just doesn't count.


"What's the deal with girls and bringing so many clothes?!"



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