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The Ferret Says Farewell

Boogie Monsta


And so it came to pass that the Ferret in his loneliness happened upon the wondrous world of BZPower. And behold, it was an outlet for his creativeness, a place for his wishes to be heard, and somewhere for his desire to know other beings with similar interests to be satiated. And so the Ferret flourished in the land of BZPower, making many friends and becoming a common sight in the town of General Discussion, even creating successful RPGs in the CoT Wasteland. And it was good.


As the months went by, the Ferret remained on BZP. For whenever life was not good to the Ferret, he could find refuge in the land of BZP, where the only cares were whether Toa should kill, or whether the universe was or was not inside of Mata Nui. The Ferret formed many close bonds with such denizens as Laughin'Man, BioNicolai, Turakii, Avohkah Tamer, Sir Thomas, and Mizzy. So the Ferret continued to live happily in the world of BZP.


However, as months passed into years, the Ferret found himself with less and less time to spend in the lands of BZPower. School, extracurricular activies, guitar playing, and video games began to occupy more and more of the Ferret's days. Eventually, life even gave the Ferret a real relationship with a female that he loved very much. And behold, the Ferret found himself with more pressing things to do than frolic in the lands of BZP.


But the Ferret will never forget his past in the great realm of BZPower. For the friends he made there taught him many valuable lessons about life, the universe, and everything else. The nights spent skewering zombies or debating the finer points of the Piraka will forever remain in the Ferret's memories as the most innocent, carefree times of his life.


But alas, the Ferret bids farewell to the fair land of BZP, with hopes that it will remain as a place of refuge and acceptance for the weary souls who find it.


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