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One Of Those Days

Tufi Piyufi


I think I'm having one of those days.


You know, those days where you wouldn't be caught dead in public with your minions? When disownage is the most attractive option? Those days where you just want to grab a big mug of hot chocolate, curl up on the sofa with the List of Heredity, and take the red DQing Sharpie to a couple names?


No? That's fine. It's okie. It's not exactly something I'd wish on people.


In any case, that's the sort of day I'm having. This is what I get for building up hope for the infamous Piyufi minions. Just when I thought there'd be dignity at last...


Sigh. I guess Schizo can be Empress if it ever comes down to that. He'd prolly look better in the dress and tiara.


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Hmm, interesting, Schizo as an Empress. :P


I would also like to know who has you like this (not that it's me, I'm not your minion [hopefully :fear: ]).


Oh and by the way, I've had that feeling before, I just couldn't find my DQing Sharpie at the time. -_-





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Puffin, you realize that as

A. Your elder

B. Your Canadian Elder

C. Your Gmod equal Canadian Elder


I can and will simply slide myself smoothly into the inheritance before any of your minions.




<3 Power trip <3







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Inquiring as to who has you all riled up.


Cause I'm just wondering if I'm still somewhere on the list. :P

Oh, you know. The usual suspects, minus Wa-squared.


Also, yeah, you're on The List. The only requirement is that I still get to list you among my minions.


It's a shame that puffins don't prey on penguins.



My profile and sig are unscathed, so it couldn't have been me...

Nah, you're fine. You haven't done anything lately.


Puffin, you realize that as

A. Your elder

B. Your Canadian Elder

C. Your Gmod equal Canadian Elder


I can and will simply slide myself smoothly into the inheritance before any of your minions.








This much is true. You know, come to think of it, knowing that you'll snatch up the position as soon as/if I kick off is rather reassuring. After all, the other options are a fair shake worse. Horrific, even. Yeah, you're prolly the best choice.


Just watch out for any fights the others might try to put up.

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So either we keep the Majestic Empress forever, or we get to see Janus and Schizo fight for the title?


Either way, we win. :D



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