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Prank War Stories..



Episode four, vengeance is mine sayeth Zarayna is being written atm.


Inferna and I are currently locked in a dual of


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I'll have it up in a day or so.


On a totally unrelated note, it is sooo hard to find clear plastic retainers when they're on a ziplock bag. :P




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Bah; it's you against all seven of the Seneca and the upgraded arsenal of our Keep. Bring it. :P




Five. There's only five of you. Akaku doesn't want to be in them, and Japoro never replied to my PM.


Ah yes, but I'm counting on my skills, Element lord of Shadow, and the fact that we have a peace treaty. However I totally forgot that Ki is a Toa of moonlight... To my knowledge he was merely a Toa of twilight. :shrugs:


Oh, and my totallyawesomeenergydrainingarrowsthatwillbeusedinthenextRPGIplayin.





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*Jaw drops. Gets behind a bomb shield and throws a grenade at Iffy. Then throws one at Zar.*


I'm getting involved, but I'm not taking sides.


You do know that by calling Ferns 'Iffy' you just chose a side? You know. The anti Inferna side.. Yeah, the one whose members get torn limb from limb daily. That one.


Oh, and no one triple posts in my blog. No one.

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*Jaw drops. Gets behind a bomb shield and throws a grenade at Iffy. Then throw one at Zar.*


I'm getting involved, but I'm not taking sides.






Is that ALL? I rip those things apart in my spare time...


And those who do not choose sides are often caught in the crossfire.. Join me.. And together, we. Will. Prank!


Oh, btw, that story is currently labeled scrapped Prank War story (Use parts?)'



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I'm joining you Zar, cuz if I don't Inferna's going to kill me.


I know grenades are simple. I was trying not to get too involved which is no longer a problem because I joined your side.

*Summons Song (See BZPRPG profile page for details) who uses telekinesis to punch Iffy*


And I didn't triple post! It was a double and on two different blog posts!


That doesn't explain why I had to delete two posts by you... Ok, make that three. You only double posted this time. :P





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A war?! Oez noez! Pacifist powers: ACTIVATE!


*nothing happens*


Sigh. I'll try again: pacifist powers-ACTIVATE!


*nothing happens*


Must...Stop...War...Pacifist powers: ACTI-


Oh, shoot. It's a prankster war :P No wonder my powers didn't work.


Well, suppose I'll merely have to hole up on Hora Magna in Sunspire fortress and hope the wars don't reach it :P Then again, there are certaint...Advantages...To this kind of thing...


...I do so love spectator sports *evil grin*

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A war?! Oez noez! Pacifist powers: ACTIVATE!


*nothing happens*


Sigh. I'll try again: pacifist powers-ACTIVATE!


*nothing happens*


Must...Stop...War...Pacifist powers: ACTI-


Oh, shoot. It's a prankster war :P No wonder my powers didn't work.


Well, suppose I'll merely have to hole up on Hora Magna in Sunspire fortress and hope the wars don't reach it :P Then again, there are certaint...Advantages...To this kind of thing...


...I do so love spectator sports *evil grin*


*WMD's stolen from Ferns are launched at fortress*





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*hops into Armor of Awesomeness and pulls the LOL Gun off its rack*


Darnit...Where's Riggie? RIGGIE!


*Riggie comes and aims the WMDs at a deserted island. They go there and do their job*


Phew...*wipes sweat drop off forehead* Maybe I should take a side after all. Then again, 'm a horrible prankster :P



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