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Vehicles Expansion?



Alright; while I continue to think over the City name, I have another question for you potential Day Run players.


As most people should know, Night Ride's central point was the vehicle aspect of it. We had hoverboards, we had motorcycles, we had a giant wheel, we had Rahi-shaped mecha, and, heck, we even had a horse and a walking house.

(FYI: None of these are accurate representations.)


So, here's what I have to propose as an expansion to this. Bipedal mecha. Similar to the ones from Darkspace, or even something like, say, this, they would be used solely for vehicle-based arena battles, or they could be used to explore the barrens. And, yes, while technically they could have been used in NR, no one used any, so I get the feeling that they are somewhat unwanted. :P

But still. What are your opinions? Should I mention them as a sort of new type of vehicle, or just not mention them at all and see if anyone uses any?


Obviously I would let people make their own, just as I've been doing, in case anyone was wondering. And yes, you still have the option to use any vehicle you want in the RPG, though unlike in NR, they aren't required.


Also, as on off-shoot of this, the maximum vehicle size in NR was 18 ft tall/18 ft wide; this seems a bit impractical now, so how much bigger do you guys think I should make it? I was thinking 24/24, but I'm not sure.


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I already did. :P They were actually allowed in Day Run's prequel, Night Ride, so I can't really not allow them this time around. :P


But the other question still stands. Should I mention bipedal mecha or not? Hm...

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Thyme: oic.


Kal: Because I mentioned all of the other kidns int he Vehicle section last time? :P



Vehicles are the key to being granted access into the tournament. Because the Night Run was originally a racing-specific tournament, the need to require a vehicle upon registration was obvious. When the arena was added in, however, Daeja was at a crossroad: She could either allow anyone to register regardless of whether or not they owned a vehicle, which would put some contestants at a disadvantage against a vehicle-owning contestant, or she could just keep the rule. To compromise, she changed said rule so that it only required something that could be driven – be it a hover board or a mecha. She has never had any regrets towards that decision.


While some changed to the smaller, more maneuverable vehicles, many contestants still use mecha of varying models, an example being the infamous Cythupax named Tox, who uses an 18 foot tall/17 foot long fox mecha called the Shadow Stalker. Most mecha are about that size, though some smaller models have also been seen, such as Toa Sepcret’s 12 foot tall/10 foot long spider mecha.


Alongside the more aggressive nature of the Rahi mecha and the nimbleness of hover board-styled vehicles, a more recent technological advancement has begun to become popular amongst many contestants. These include, but are not limited to, vehicles resembling the Outlander, a motorcycle used by Toa Kovian of Team Shurikan and the large, wheel-like vehicle used by the Ko-Matoran Bounty Hunter Elithes, as well as many, many other kinds.


As you can easily see by this section, there is a lot of diversity when it comes to vehicles. As such, you will almost never find two that are exactly the same, unless the owners purposefully added to theirs in the same way. One common trait of the vehicles in the tournament, though, is that they are all either 18 feet tall/18 feet long or smaller – the organizers have banned anything larger than those measurements.


The Day Run section on vehicles in updated to include what's 'popular' for NPCs and whatnot right now, so I figured I might want to bring them up. Plus there's the fact that no one thought of nay last time, which I think is due to implications that they weren't allowed. :)

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If you remember, my teams vehicle in NR was a bi-pedal mecha. Well, the combined Prime was. I'm thinking of bringing it back for this one. :sly:
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It looks like I'm going with 22.5 ft/22.5 ft (5 Bio/5 Bio,) actually, since people were complaining that I was using ft and not Bio last time, and I'd rather keep it a relatively simple number when converted. :rolleyes:

I blame the paparazzi. :D

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And I'll bring Khadbaen and Alan back for it if it wins. Because Khadbaen was so much win for a rip-off character and Alan was just plain awesome.


I mean c'mon, a bounty hunter riding a giant horse and a guy that fought a "god." You can't beat it.


though I kinda disappeared at the end...


Can I have a recap of the end of NR, seeing as I had other things and always forgot to read it?

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Eh... going off from where Alan jumped down the wrong elevator shaft...


The right elevator shaft was found, the ground went down, fought Jaeda for a bit, managed to get the upper hand against her because of mental strain from controlling the Feranaki, went into another room, group followed her, battled longer, Brotherhood of Makuta arrived and intervened, and Kovian killed Jaeda. Then a bunch of Rahkshi killed the rest of the Feranaki, the mountains were destroyed, and everyone was evacuated from Gynel


Pretty much the general gist of what happened.


But yeah, I'm glad to see you'll be coming back. It should be fun. ^_^

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