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The Mountain Is No More



I took the liberty of renaming my blog.

  1. Because I could.
  2. Because Finnish is such a cool language.
  3. Because real hedgehogs don't live on mountains.
  4. Because, if I want to scale the mountain, I have to get up the hill first.
That's right. Call me low on ambition, but right now I have trouble thinking of life in terms of a mountain. It's too daunting an image. I've got to start small.


I've taken the first small steps towards conquering my inner ills. I visited a psychiatric nurse last Friday and will repeat the visit next Thursday, February 1st. Then I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist on the following Friday, February 9th. So that's that side of things. Also, my girlfriend has been an invaluable source of support and advice. Nothing is as important as having a bosom friend to talk to. I've switched cell phone operators to get up to 1500 minutes on 8,90 € a month, so now we can talk without looking at the clock. I don't know what I would do without my kulta rakas, dear beloved.


Life isn't always easy, but friends are there to help. For that, I'm forever grateful.




Recommended Comments

That's a nice name change. :D Finnish is a cool language; it's so fluid and strange. Mind me asking what the new name means?


And it's good to hear that you've got friends that care about you. ^_^



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That's a nice name change. :D Finnish is a cool language; it's so fluid and strange. Mind me asking what the new name means?


And it's good to hear that you've got friends that care about you. ^_^



Siili = hedgehog, vaara = hill. Approximately.


Friends make life so much easier, don't they? And richer. And more fun. And fulfilling. And interesting. And pleasant. And surprising. And...



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