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I Don't Get It



I mean, I do get it, it's just terribly annoying.


Not that my roommates and I want to relocate after this school year, and instead just keep our room until graduation, but in the event that I am in need of a new roommate(s) next year, I sure hope they don't get all riled up and play video games like Halo: Reach and whatnot the minute it comes out against each other into the wee hours of morning (well not really), making tons of noise and cursing when they "die." IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME!


Yeah, sure, I do not play,* so maybe I do not get it. The few times they dragged me into a Halo FFA I was like "oh no! I almost had you but then I died!" but I wasn't yelling my face off. (My max kills is 6. These shooter games just are not for me. I think I shall stay away from trying them out.)


Calm down guys. I'm trying to study. What does it matter if you do not rise to the top? You'll always be fighting each other again tomorrow.


-CF :kakama:

*Portal. That is what I have played. Twice. And I enjoy the occasional Super Smash Brother's round. And sure, Mario Kart is WIN, but I do not let video games control my life. Better things for my time and money.


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I went a perfect week setting my school-stuff up for the coming term without being on any PC for more then 5 min ^^


I don't know either. Especially the Multiplayers. As far as I'm concerned, those games serve the purpose of blowing of steam or telling a story (with participation).


And I just realized how that sounds, coming from a future game-designer...

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Hey man, you're a reporter on a LEGO fan site, I don't think you get to criticize gaming as being a waste of time and money. :P Sure maybe there are better ways for you to spend your time and money, but obviously your roommates really enjoy Halo and that's their thing. Have you asked them to try to keep it down?


As far as why they're loud - it's the spirit of competition, trying to do better than your friends and others. While maybe it doesn't 'matter' who win five years from now, at the moment it's the most important thing. It's a competitive game, the point it to win. It sounds like you're just not the competitive type, which is cool, and completely explains why you don't get it.


Different people have different personalities and interests, and we all have to learn to live with each other.

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Halo is one of the most over-rated game series of all time. If I were in your position, and they were being noisy and overly competitive about a game I actually liked, I might understand, but not Halo. It merges into the pile of FPS games that plague the game market these days.


We need more games like World of Goo, Portal, and Mario Galaxy. Games that do something new, instead of continually 'perfecting' a formula


- Tilius

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Hey man, you're a reporter on a LEGO fan site, I don't think you get to criticize gaming as being a waste of time and money. :P Sure maybe there are better ways for you to spend your time and money, but obviously your roommates really enjoy Halo and that's their thing. Have you asked them to try to keep it down?

Hehe, I know. At least my LEGO collection is an investment...


And yeah, I ask them to keep it down. But I can't do that all the time. Pretty much just when I'm going to bed.



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