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Talk About Bad Timing

Inferna Firesword


The one day I don't have school is the day I need to be there.


(This is mostly for reasons involving a BZP friend having their birthday on Friday, and I want to be there in the morning to make the topic ... which is something I can't do at home presently, since I have time restrictions. -.-)


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Well, you could always use one of the computers at your local library.


Most libraries open at 10:00 AM. And considering that Ferna's four hours behind a lot of people here, it would be like getting on a 2:00 PM for her.



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Well, you could always use one of the computers at your local library.


Most libraries open at 10:00 AM. And considering that Ferna's four hours behind a lot of people here, it would be like getting on a 2:00 PM for her.



Zarayana ([false concern]Excuse me, I mean Zarayna[/false concern]) has it bang on the head. The earliest my library opens is 10, and since the person (*coughReepcough*) is about two hours ahead of me, I'll be showing up to make his topic at noon.


Of course, I could always make it the night before ...

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Well, you could always use one of the computers at your local library.


Most libraries open at 10:00 AM. And considering that Ferna's four hours behind a lot of people here, it would be like getting on a 2:00 PM for her.



Zarayana ([false concern]Excuse me, I mean Zarayna[/false concern]) has it bang on the head. The earliest my library opens is 10, and since the person (*coughReepcough*) is about two hours ahead of me, I'll be showing up to make his topic at noon.


Of course, I could always make it the night before ...


Oh goodness.... This gives me ANOTHER nickname to kill people if they use. <_<


I. Will. Have. My. Vengeance!


Wait. It's Rep's birthday on Friday? I think that you're going to have some competition. :P


No, you have to post it on the day itself. At least, that's what I've heard. I really need to read the CoT rules more then once...


Btw, Ferna, it's REP not Reep. :P



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I have dibs on his topic! No one is cheating me out of making the birthday topic of a fellow Toa Seneca! :angry:


*works on plot to be up at Reep's midnight*




We shall see.


However, my guess is that someone will beat us both to it. :P



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The above conversation created Epic luls for the man who forgot 5 minutes from the day that it was Reep's Bday.


Also, i have never heard of someone refer to Repy as Rep...


Repy, Reep, sure, Rep?



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