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Ask Shadix



I might as well. Besides, I got permission from Aho.


Go ahead, ask away :D




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You need permission?

No, but then I don't get accused of plagiarism.


Since when do you need permission from others to do something in your blog?


Toa Daiker

Ditto to above.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Over 9000.



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I'd rate it around April. Maybe all the way up to June. Who knows, maybe even 7.


How much chuck could a Chuck Norris chuck if a Chuck Norris could chuck Norris?


Is Zurg purple enough?


If Chuck Norris could Chuck Norris, then he'd be able to chuck over 100 Billion in the blink of an eye. While he was sleeping.


He might be April enough purple [see answer for HBBG]




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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood and that woodchuck was Chuck Norris?

Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?

Is there another word for synonym?


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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood and that woodchuck was Chuck Norris?

Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?

Is there another word for synonym?


That'd be an Appalachian Norris Pine, and it'd be 70.

Should be pronounced Eleventy One.

"Is there another word?" Yeah, that can substitute it :P

FRYING PAN aaghblue.png


Why would we want to ask you questions? :P



Because. It's fun and awesome.



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Why do you exist? Is it my fault? If not, is it Corroder's fault? Which is better: joining Team Octagon or GETTIN NOMMED >:(


I exist because I was created here.

No it's not. You're not omnipotent.

It might be... <.<

I'd say Nomming Team Octagon.




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What would you do, if you fell off a cliff?



Why are you answering pointless questions?


The better question is, why are you asking pointless questions?




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Why are you answering pointless questions?


The better question is, why are you asking pointless questions?




I predicted an answer yay! *level up*


Ok how about this: Why do you hate spiders? (I hate them too.)

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