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J.A.F. Team

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I kinda won like the biggest raffle from the LU team today. Sadly, I have to wait until tomorrow to collect it, seeing as they haven't finished building it yet, but still... so epic.


Even tho I did forget most of my system MOCs at home (I was too busy taking care of the stuff people sent to me) this Con is treating me well. Sure, I stressed out about the hotel and everything, but I was like first in line at the Lego Store event. Yeah, I was freaking out when I had to come up with the trophy winners and everybody else had abandoned me at the Bionicle table to go get pizza, but then I won this great raffle. So a little bit of down, but primarily up.


We do have some trophy winners, and some of them were not attendees, and there's some jokes behind another one... but I'll post the trophy award themes and their winners soon enough, because some people don't even know that they've won yet, and it needs to be revealed in a classier place than my blog.


Plus, Rene tried to stick my Corroder in the microwave... >.<




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Yeah, you'll have to post some pictures of your big win. Like, a few dozen. I really hope it survived the car trip.

And once again, let me apologize to you for abandoning you. I feel really bad about it. :(

- :l: :flagcanada:
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Yeah, you'll have to post some pictures of your big win. Like, a few dozen. I really hope it survived the car trip.


And once again, let me apologize to you for abandoning you. I feel really bad about it. :(


- :l: :flagcanada:

Sure, pizza boy. And you owe me a fight next year. Or better yet, at BrickFest if you come. You know what I'm talking about. ;)


And it did survive the car trip, now I just need to find room for it in my house!



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Oh, you'll get your fight. I missed out on it too, remember, so I'm looking forward to it just as much as you. ;)

I have to practice first though. :P

- :l: :flagcanada:
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