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BrickⅭon 2010 In Review



Alright, let's get right to it.


First off, I didn't travel with my dad this time. Rather, Razlak and his mother were kind enough to take me down with them, so a huge thank-you to them.


Razlak's mom picked us up at school at shortly after three or Friday, from where we went straight to Seattle. We arrived over an hour late due to traffic coming out of Vancouver and coming into Seattle. Our ETA had been something like 6:00, but we got there right after the Friday Keynote session had ended.


Once we arrived at the convention centre, we quickly set up our stuff, ran into CzaR (who sold me a metallic purple Akaku - a Flintsmith custom - for just $55) and his family, and then ran off to the Rainier Room to see if we could catch the last bit of the keynote session. We got there just as they were opening the doors to let everyone out. After waiting outside the doors to intercept xccj and whoever might be with him, we decide to head back to the centre and try to catch them there. After walking about ten feet Jason (xccj) steps out from a small crowd of people and is all like hey it's the Rileys (since Razlak and I are both named Riley. No relation.).


Within that small group we met EW, Kayru, Arenthas/Arkov (currently going as -Kevin-), Swert, kopakanui, and Kayru's friend Stephanie. After much hand-shaking, we decide to head back to the convention centre, where Razlak and I were finally able to pick up our Brickbadges and goody bags (they had been locked up when we first arrived). Then we all went to the Lego Store, where I managed to snag the UCS Imperial Shuttle and Republic Swamp Speeder both at 50% off, as well as a large Pick a Brick cup. The line-up was at least 65 feet long, so it took me like an hour to get through, but luckily Arkov and Kayru were right behind me, so it was actually pretty fun chatting with them. Razlak unfortunately took a little longer than me, so I had to wait an extra 45 minutes. Oh well. We got back to the hotel at about 1:45 in the morning.


The next day we arrived at the convention at about 9:00, where we waited and waited for Jason and Rene (EW) to arrive. During the public hours we went out for lunch, reviewed the Skopio set, and had the BZP meet-n-greet, during which Swert, Kayru, and Kraahlix, who was there for the public hours, were in some sort of BS01 interview thing, so they were absent for the BZP group shot. We were none too happy about this, of course, so Rene grabbed an AK-47, Inferna Firesword (also there for the public hours, with her amazing copper bronze Kirop) grabbed a grende, and I grabbed a massive dagger, and we went hunting for them. Rene managed to keep a straight face for most of the time, but Lauren and I were laughing our heads off. We did end up finding and executing them, and shortly after made some tentative arrangements for dinner. I can't really remember what happened then, but we got back from dinner just in time for the awards ceremony. Arkov won a trophy for most unappreciated MOCist and CzaR won for best overall. I can't remember who won for best small or large though. I was the first BZPer to win a door prize, which ended up being one of the smaller Space Police sets. I also caught a shirt that was thrown into the audience by jumping a foot and a half and snatching it out of the air. I then did almost the same thing again with an identical shirt, which Rene stole from me. Jason then won his massive LU thing, which I'll let him reveal, and Kayru won the Adventures of Clutch Powers on DVD, which she didn't want. She had to leave right after the awards ceremony though so I represented her in the Dirty Brickster in an attempt to get rid of the DVD.


Sunday was the last day of the con. We got there at about 9:30, just in time for the Wacky Races. I got videos of almost all the entries, so I'll try to upload at least a few. The public hours were a little less eventful than the previous day, but I did get a bunch of awesome videos of BZPers killing each other with Arkov's weapons. The closing ceremonies started at 4:00. I only was able to catch the last bit of them though as I was busy packing up, but I know that Micah managed to win a large Indiana Jones set in the door prize draws. After helping Jason transport his big win to Rene's car, which was a bit of a fiasco (but I hear it did survive the trip), we had a group hug in the middle of the sidewalk which included Rene, Jason, Swert, Razlak, and myself. After rushing back inside to avoid the squadron of police cars that had been called to the scene to apprehend us, we had another group hug including Micah, Connor, Razlak, and myself, wished farewell to whoever else was in the vicinity, and headed back to the car and back up to Vancouver.




Just some quick shoutouts to people:


xccj - It was great hanging out with you again man. I'm so envious of your big win, and I hope you have fun with it. We totally have to have that fight next time we see each other. Hope to see you at BrickFest.

EW - Dude, you're awesome. Can't wait to see you at Fest. It was great running around the hall with you and Inferna hunting down those crazy BS01 people. And I don't think I would have preferred to wander through a grocery store looking for water for twenty minutes with anyone else. :P

Razlak - I had a blast traveling with you. Although next time, try to be a little quicker at the Lego Store! Oh, and no Muse next time. :P

Arkov - I think you're probably the most insane person I've ever met. I hope you can make it to the Con next year! Well, you kinda have to, we'll have that collab build to bring!

Kayru - I don't think I ever spoke with you online, but it was great getting to know you, and it was fun representing you at the Dirty Brickster. The review was awesome, I can't wait to see it. Hope to see you next year, and make sure to bring your fedora again!

kopakanui - My fellow British Columbian! It was great to see you again, and I look forward to being in the VLC with you! If I ever get around to joining, that is. and you totally need to be more active on BZP.

CzaR - Man, you're the best vendor BrickCon has ever seen. Thank you so much for the amazing deals you gave us, and I hope you can make it to BrickFest! Congrats on winning that trophy, you deserved it.

Swert - It was great meeting you. You totally have to attend again next year! I'll get those videos of you and Arkov and EW killing each other uploaded ASAP!

Inferna Firesword - Your bronze Kirop was simply amazing, as was hunting down BS01ers with you and EW! Next year you should really attend the whole convention!

Kraahlix - We didn't really talk much, but it was great meeting you!

Binkmeister - We totally got that guy to make an announcement telling you your friends were looking for you. Unfortunately you had gone by that time. Come on over the the Bionicle table and say hi next time!


- :l: :flagcanada:


Recommended Comments

You didn't miss school to be there the whole item? Shame.


Who has lunch? Eating is a waste of time IMO.

Nope. I would have liked to, but Razlak had some IB classes he couldn't miss.


And eating is totally not overrated.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Inferna Firesword (also there for the public hours, with her amazing copper Kirop)

Fail, dude; my Kirop was solid bronze. :P


And yeah, hunting and executing the others was hilarious, and the Con was awesome as usual; unfortunately, the equation following sums it up: 2 fun 2 last 4 ever. :(


I'll try to attend all of it next year; by then I'll probably have gotten around to getting my licence and driving myself down there. =P



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Inferna Firesword (also there for the public hours, with her amazing copper Kirop)

Fail, dude; my Kirop was solid bronze. :P


And yeah, hunting and executing the others was hilarious, and the Con was awesome as usual; unfortunately, the equation following sums it up: 2 fun 2 last 4 ever. :(


I'll try to attend all of it next year; by then I'll probably have gotten around to getting my licence and driving myself down there. =P





No really, I did. Typo.


And I wasn't nearly as sad about it being over this year as I was previously. I think since this is my fourth full convention I've gotten used to the sensation of coming back to reality.


Hope you can make it next year.


Eating only makes you fat, and sometime it tastes bad. Photosynthesis is in this year.

Except I'm not fat, nor will I ever be, and this particular pizza tasted fantastic.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Hay, I didn't -intend- to abandon you guys, but Kraah and Kayru wanted to interview who we did so badly, I just -had- to make it happen. I'm the owner, I get stuff done. They just bug me all day until I do it XD


It was awesome meeting everyone there, and I do hope to attend again next year. Who knows, maybe I'll have something Bionicle to show? :P

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