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Oh No.

Doctor Norik


Crud. Jut got back from having my braces put in. They're really fun to slide your tongue over..... But they really hurt. They're all sore and stuff. Ungh. Having braces put in is terrible, just terrible.

1. They put pumice in your mouth (yes, the stuff that shoots from volcanoes and buried Pompeii).

2. They slide these weird things in the sides of your mouth.

3. They insert this complicated tubing system over your tongue to suck out saliva.

4. It takes forever.

5. The glue sometimes fall into your mouth.


7. The brackets take a really long time to fix in the right position.

8. It's uncomfortable.

9. Then you need to put on these big yellow sunglasses.

10. They have this light that they put over every tooth for 10 seconds each. Do the math.

11. They need to put the wire under a lighter. Don't ask me why.

12. They're really sore.

13. They take forever to tighten and adjust.

14. Due to the geological arrangement of my teeth, I look like a freak with these new braces.

15. Almost forgot: I can't eat subs normally anymore.

16. An allover CRUD.


There you have it. 16 reasons not to get braces..... *sigh* I envy the straight toothed.


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I wasn't born with straight teeth.....


I had braces for about 4 and a half years through jr. high and high school. You kinda learn a whole new way to eat, talk, laugh etc so you dont get stuff caught in them, like your lip or your cheek O.o I've accidentally cut myself in the mouth several times on my braces when I had them. Granted, yes the are uncomfortable, downright painful at times, but in the end you will have a great straight toothed smile. So while you got em, keep em clean. You'll learn a whole new brushing and flossing regiment with those puppies LOL



Best thing about braces other than them straightening your teeth, is you can get any color of bands you want when they change the wire! I used to get my school colors every now and then ;)

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Alright, watch out for gum (yeah. That really sucks) gooey candy (e.g. Starbursts), and hard stuff, unless you don't bite into it. Also, just kinda have soup for the first 5-7 days of braces. It's really sore. That's it.

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I feel real bad for you. I had braces on for about 4 years. I occasionally broke them while eating gum, but I didn't care. :P

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my deepest


I know

how you feel.

its crud i know

i am sorry.

but youll

get used

to them

and you wont

look like a freak

trust me on that




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