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Change The World

Riisiing Moon


Ohez noez, missed an entry yesterday! :o Happy birthday, here's two to make up for it.


For yesterday's, I have a question I wonder often. People always are asked, 'What would you do if you could change the world?' Obviously, there's more than one thing I'd change. But say I force only one answer on you. If you could change one thing, and only one thing, about the world at large, what would it be, and why? What's your second answer, and what does the first have that makes it comes first?


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The only thing I would change about this world is getting people to think more. You'd be surprised by how much the quality of life would improve if everyone just took the time to think.


EDIT: You know what, man? Your entries are always thought-provoking and well done. They bring my blog to shame. So, I award you this: approval


Use it wisely, padawan.


...And with a link, cuz otherwise, it's just too carkin' big XP

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Well, this is a question I've seen about ten thousand times.

Though every time I usually just put some BS on the paper. About ending wars and stopping pollution and blah, blah, blah.

But really, just for people to see each other as people. There's still racism, and all that mess still going around in this day and age is ridiculous.


Second to that would be for people to get a little more self confidence. This goes behind my previous change because the first one seems to be a bit more important.

But really, people agonize when other's make fun of them.

I've been made fun of more than a lot of people have, and, of course I hurt afterwards, but others just can't seem to get over it.


But really, that seems to be about it for me. I can't exactly think of ways to fix the whole world in all its glorious diversity.

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I'd annihilate racism.


In fact, I'd ban it to such an extent that even claiming the human race is evil would be banned. Because like it or not, it's not. Masses =/= human race just as much as individuals =/= masses.


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