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You Don't Know How Lovely You Are



Hate Coldplay all you want...The Scientist is still a beautiful song.


I don't understand my bouts of depression. It's not like anything's really happened, or changed, or maybe that's the problem. I don't really know...all I really want to do is curl up in bed and hope I don't ever have to wake up. I wish I could cry, but I don't seem to be capable of it anymore.


I think maybe I did this to myself...I haven't been like this in almost a year, and just this week it's been coming back...things were much easier when I didn't bother feeling anything.


I really hate the fact that I'm never happy. I always think that if one thing or the other happens...I'll be happier..but I know that's not true. I don't think so, anyway.


There's never a good day...only terrible days and alright days. Hah.


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Of all your latest entries you've made, this is the one I can relate the most to.


Of possible causes to your depression, have you been overthinking things lately? Cuz I've gotten into the same situation by seriously evaluating my life, and being unhappy with what I got. XP


Happiness is overrated. :P


Actually, my true belief is that you're never truly happy; there's always something annoying you, or depressing you, or something of the sort. You're never going to have that "day of sunshine" or whatever, so your best option is to be glad of good things when they come.


Of course, I wouldn't know. My advice could be completely wrong, and telling you to trust me would be illogical, since you barley know. So instead, the best thing I can tell you is to trust yourself. :)

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Of all your latest entries you've made, this is the one I can relate the most to.


Of possible causes to your depression, have you been overthinking things lately? Cuz I've gotten into the same situation by seriously evaluating my life, and being unhappy with what I got. XP


Happiness is overrated. :P


Actually, my true belief is that you're never truly happy; there's always something annoying you, or depressing you, or something of the sort. You're never going to have that "day of sunshine" or whatever, so your best option is to be glad of good things when they come.


Of course, I wouldn't know. My advice could be completely wrong, and telling you to trust me would be illogical, since you barley know. So instead, the best thing I can tell you is to trust yourself. :)


Possibly...it's comforting to know that I have emotions, anyway. Even if it's just sadness, I haven't felt much of anything in the past few months. I think it's probably just that I'm so worried about messing things up with this girl.




Oh, I know. And usually I am...it's just that somehow, by the end of the day, I always end up feeling miserable.


Hah. If there's one thing I'm positive I can't do, it's trust myself.

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I can understand. Try to relax a bit; it seems you've got a chance with her. :)


In that case, I'm just going to have to tell you to look a bit more on the bright side of life, despite how cliche that is. Sometimes, it just helps to ignore what's making you unhappy.

If you don't know what it is that's making you unhappy, then all I can tell you is try to ignore it.


man, I'm terrible at this advice thing. >.<

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