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Downloading :3



Well, I bought another iTunes card and bought the movie. It's downloading. VERY. SLOWLY.


On a side note, Walmart has the movie with an awesome display. At some point soon I'm going to ask someone at Walmart how much money they'll want for that display. B)


Oh yeah, and I'll post pictures of our party as it unravels. It's gonna be awesome.

EDIT: The details of our sign :D


Before I started taking pictures I had painted the whole thing white and took stencils and added the lettering in black. I thought it was kinda bland so I added my own details.


Before I added details.



The Axe (with reference picture)



The Helmet (with reference picture)



Finished :D




Recommended Comments

You've still got over a day! You can make it!!

Try grabbing onto a passing semi truck though. Might speed it up a bit.



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It's a bird! It's a plane! No, silly, it's Superman! Maybe he can help.


Me: Hey, sir, can you help me get to Colorado?

Superman: No, kid. What do you think I do? Help people all day?

Me: :blink:


Oh, well, back to the trusty bike.



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Yeah, exactly.


Cherri: Can you help me to Colorado?

SM: No, the awesomeness is too bright there! I can't go near it!

Cherri: :blink:



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You guys still haven't got that??? When I like something, I get POSSESSED by it. Why else would we all be on this site? :P



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I finally remembered to ask you a question bothering me for some time now!


What's that funny-looking HTTYO kid on your sidebar a couple of times?

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You guys still haven't got that??? When I like something, I get POSSESSED by it. Why else would we all be on this site? :P




Like me? :guilty:

Thats what happened when I saw Metus in TLR :P He's one of my faves but im not obsessed with him anymore :P

But I just bought the movie :j lol I think im the only other thats obsessed with the movie too :P



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