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I'm No Hat Person



But I could be, no?

Fedora, wide-brimmed like Indiana Jones.

Oh so tempting to buy.


I'm not one to wear ball-caps around. I'll wear one camping, absolutely. It's necessary. But I didn't even wear my geeked-out cap with a BrickFest patch on it at BrickFair.


But a fedora? Now that is something that appeals to me. I like to think that if I had one I would wear it around often.


I don't know what I'm worried about. Most of my IRL friends would accept it (and some have already said they are pretty cool hats), and besides, I don't really worry about what others think of my image anyway.


Plus then I could put a piece of paper in it that says "PRESS"!


-CF :kakama:


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I thought I already had photographic evidence of you with a fedora?


Me, I try not to go out in public without some sort of hat on.



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No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Do not do this. Remember SPIRIT's golden rule about fedoras: unless your name is Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, do not wear them.


You'll thank me later.

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I thought I already had photographic evidence of you with a fedora?


Me, I try not to go out in public without some sort of hat on.



Well, I know I have one, but it was taken at a weird angle so I look funny.

If you have another pic shoot me an email.


No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Do not do this. Remember SPIRIT's golden rule about fedoras: unless your name is Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, do not wear them.


You'll thank me later.

Nah, fedoras are cool.



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Well, I know I have one, but it was taken at a weird angel so I look funny.

If you have another pic shoot me an email.

Hey now, you're pretty great but don't go around asserting yourself as a heavenly being. Even a weird one. =P


I have a fedora, but it's pretty dressy and I don't ever wear it. I can't seem to find a name for the hat I do wear. I guess it's somewhere between a flat cap like an old paperboy and a patrol cap as seen here.


I want a top hat though. Or several. Can one have too many hats?

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At our school's first Quidditch match the opposing school's mascot is a lion so one of their spectators wore their lion hat that they actually use for their regular Halloween costume of Luna Lovegood. She made it herself with a hat and a lion stuffed animal. It was really cool.

(I'm not on the team. I just watched because I was interested and because I was writing about it for the school paper.)



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I have a fedora, but it's pretty dressy and I don't ever wear it. I can't seem to find a name for the hat I do wear. I guess it's somewhere between a flat cap like an old paperboy and a patrol cap as seen here.


I want a top hat though. Or several. Can one have too many hats?

What kind of fedora? The adventurer kind or the more modern kind?


Top hats are plenty nice. I have a bowler for my steampunk costume. Never really worn it though.



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I bought a fedora because I thought it looked really cool, but I only wore it for a month or two and then gave it to my brother. Fedoras are stylin', but they're a difficult look to pull off.

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No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Do not do this. Remember SPIRIT's golden rule about fedoras: unless your name is Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, do not wear them.


You'll thank me later.

Nah, fedoras are cool.



Yes, but don't forget the main principle behind SPIRIT's golden rule about fedoras: wearing something cool does not always make you cool too. In fact, it can have a negative effect if its coolness highlights any lack thereof.

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