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Next Doctor, And Next Next Doctor



Doctor #12 should be Andrew-Lee Potts, Hatter in Syfy's Alice.


Doctor #13 should be Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Holmes in BBC's (Stephen Moffat's) Sherlock. (Interestingly enough, he had considered taking the role from Tennant in a discussion with him in 2008, but then didn't audition for Eleven. Maybe he'll appear now that Moffat has taken over, or at least have a one-time role like he expresses interest in.)


I think both of them could pull off Doctors that didn't use a sonic screwdriver, a concept I am looking forward to observing when I get around to the 5th Doctor. (Specifically, I would have Potts have it for the first season, of half of his first season, and then lose it and not make/get another one.)


As for actors that are in Doctor Who, it was recently announced that Mark Sheppard is going to be making an appearance! (Supposedly as an important character in the opening two-parter.) Woohoo!


-CF :kakama:


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instead of Cumberbatch playing the Doctor, I'd rather there be a Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover at some point. the likelihood of that ever happening is extremely low, but you can't deny that it'd be unbelievably awesome. I'd love to see how Sherlock and the Eleventh Doctor get along, what with their near-opposite personalities and all.
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Wait, you credit Andrew-Lee Potts to Alice instead of Primeval?


If you haven't seen it, then you need to watch at least the first two seasons. The third kinda sucked.


Yeah, I do. Primeval isn't on my radar.

After his eccentric, fun performance in Alice, I thought, "this guy could/should play The Doctor."


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I like both of them, not sure if Andrew-Lee Potts would make a good Doctor, though. I liked him in Primeval, but I don't think he'd be a Doctor. I reckon he'd be a companion if anything.


Cumberbatch expressed interest in being in multiple episodes of Doctor Who, ie. not as a one-off appearance. So he might be a companion, or the Doctor, or the Master, or any recurring enemy. He'd be great as the Doctor I think, I'm loving Sherlock right now.

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