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Barraki Ammo Rant

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Well, Keyblade told me to talk about my life for once, so I'm going to make him regret it.


Well, I got Carapar yesterday, and not only is his name spelled with no K, but his armor is a lot more cool-looking than he looks in the pictures, because it's brown and gold swirled together, and he's just so pose-able that you can’t help but like him. He has these scissor-like tools which are just the right size to close on your wrist, and his squid launcher is so rubbery that you can twang it with your finger.


But that's all beside the point. See, Carapar (or at least mine) comes with two little squids. Two amazing, gel-like, stretchy, bouncy squids, who were originally just "the squids," right up until I launched one, at which point they became "the missing squid" and "that squid right here." The launcher is a tad hard to work at first, because if you aim it directly forward, the squids drop straight down after leaving the launcher (so if you want them to go farther, you have to stand on a chair). Also, you have to put them in just right, or they'll spring out when you're pulling them back and hit your fingers. The knack seems to be pushing their heads firmly into the launcher-part (with the side with only one leg-thing pointing down) pulling it back to just past the end of the launcher, and aiming the launcher slightly upward. After flying a varying distance, if the squids hit the ground with enough momentum, they bounce, so they end up going even farther than you originally sent them. Of course, the disadvantage to that ('cause there are always disadvantages) is that they bounce when you accidentally drop them as well, so, like the Zamors, you need to search every nook and cranny before you can track them down. They’re also a bit sticky, and they have a tendency to cling to your sock/slipper if you step on them by mistake, thus making them take even longer to find (because your foot is generally the last place you look when you drop something). Another thing few people mention is that pet hair sticks to them, so whenever they touch the ground, you have to brush them off. That's fairly often, considering almost anything you launch/drop ends up on the ground eventually.


They're much more stretchy than I expected, and their tails are easy to hold, but their heads don’t like staying in the launcher. Of course, who can blame them? If someone stuffed your head in a launcher and pulled your tail, would you want to hold still?


The launcher itself is surprisingly rubbery, like Vakama Hordika's tool, but seeing as its more of a launcher-shape than a sword (who'da thunk?), it's a novelty. The axle is the only part that doesn't bend, which is good, because it might not easily stay in Carapar's hand otherwise. The bottom of the launcher has a sort of ring shape, which is just the right size to grasp between your thumb and forefinger while taking aim at Carapar, a friend, or a precariously balanced spoon. It's also a very nice shape for sliding onto your finger, which creates a new and fashionable way of declaring your Bionicle obsession to the world, assuming your friends can recognize it as a Bionicle piece. It's comfortable, too. Of course, you wouldn't want to wear it with a squid in it (unless you have a strong liking for leaning down and picking things up every five seconds), but it still looks cool, at least.







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Well, Keyblade told me to talk about my life for once, so I'm going to make him regret it.

Oh, I regret too much in life as it is. Except... I wish I hadn't said that. :blink:


Well, Turakii, I was interested to see your opinion on a Bionicle, and I enjoyed it! =D

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If you want it to go straight,all you have to do is just let it go AS SOON AS YOU PULL IT BACK.Don't wait to aim it or anything,just let go the minute you've got it pulled back.Securely plave the head in straight(push on it as a precaution,so it won't come out),and then pull it back and -instantly- let go.This is what I found after days on end of studying squid launchers(which is the result of having no friends :( ,which is the result of being homeschooled.BLAST YOU,HOMESCHOOL!).


Okay, I'll try that.


I'm homeschooled, too, and I have lots of friends! They're all made of plastic!




Plastic friends are okay,but for some reason they're really unresponsive.

Rude little toys.


I know! :o The nerve of some toys!


Maybe they don't like me...


Ooh, and I wanted to mention that your trick works really well. I tried it, and now I can get Glubble and Blubble to fly up to ten feet.


Yes, those are the squid. :P


Finally someone else who names squids!I own exactly 35 squids,so I can't name em' all,but theres one that is a mix of red,orange,and yellow that is alot diffirent than the others.And I named it Spock ^_^ .

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Way to go, Keyblade.

Anyway, I completely understand what you're saying, Turakii. My dog nearly ate three today when Ehlek and Kalmah fell onto the floor (a result of trying to shoot the launcher while it's still in the Barraki's grasp, BAD IDEA) and (sorta) fell apart. Just their legs. Sorta.


Anyway, those little squiddies are fun to hold, and stretch, but firing is another matter. I won't go into it, 'cause you pretty much said everything (just longer) in your rant. Good luck with other rants, Turakii.



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Wow, Turakii, you just turned me off to getting any of the Barraki, I'm not sure whether to thank you, or to loath you for all eternity.


which is the result of having no friends, which is the result of being homeschooled.
Trust me, I know how you feel. I usually end up doing the same things you do, and writing nonsense, of course. But my nonsense is nowhere as good as Turakii's, so you never see it.
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I gotta agree with you on the description. The launcher is bendy... a little too much for my liking. Sure, the axle is more solid, but it doesn't stay in Mantax's hand very well. As for the squid launching... I can hardly do it, so I haven't yet had any missing squid problems. But I think I will pick up an extra packet of squiddies... if not to just place randomly on the characters.


Here's an interesting tidbit. If you squeeze the heads of the squids in the Inika's shoulder armour, they stay in pretty tight.



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I know exactly how you feel. Everytime I try to shoot it it goes straight down. However you should check the "Squid Ammo" video on Bionicle.com. It might help.


~Lt. Torhuki~

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I know exactly how you feel. Everytime I try to shoot it it goes straight down. However you should check the "Squid Ammo" video on Bionicle.com. It might help.


~Lt. Torhuki~

Yeah, but I've seen it. It basically tells what she just said. Also in the movie, the squids fly magically straight.Perfectly.Straight.


I'm homeschooled, too,

See, Turakii? You even said you were homeschooled. :P

BTW,Turakii, did you get Takadox? If so, I'll be posting an Barraki-combiner that you could build. It's awesome.




Well, I am. :P


Nope, no Takadox yet. Do you have him?

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These squids should be carefully put in a container(i.e. The kraata tub) out of children's reach. Some children might take them and think: 'Bionicle produces gummi squids? Yum!'


Now that is true; so, so true. They look so convincingly gummy my dog tried to eat one.


Kraata containers are a very good idea, D.Q.! I'll see if I can steal one from my brother...

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Actually, his armor is supposed to be a mix of Dark Grey and Keetongu-Orange...









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