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New York @ Texas


I actually had a prediction that would have been a shocker to most folks.


Rangers win in 5.


True, it requires three more Rangers wins in a row, but it does not seem all that inaccurate. My prediction was based on the pitching matchups they had. I fully believed that C. J. Wilson could, and would, outpitch C. C. Sabathia and win Game 1. After that, Colby Lewis could definitely handle the Yankees longer than Phil Hughes could handle the Rangers. Then you have Cliff Lee in game 3. Lee is solid enough to win any day. And then, in Game 4, you have Tommy Hunter vs. either A.J. Burnett or C.C. (most likely the latter had Texas won game 1) and although CC would most likely win that one, the Rangers would then face Burnett in game 5 with C. J. on the mound, and if I believed C. J. could beat C. C., I most certainly believe he could beat Burnett.


Unfortunately, the Texas bullpen let me down in Game 1, but that means that Burnett will likely pitch game 4, with Sabathia and Wilson in game 5. If Texas wins 3 and 4, they have a shot at winning 5, and even if they don't, game 6 matches up Hughes and Lewis again.


To me, the Rangers still have the advantage with the better staff.


Giants @ Phillies


Oswalt brought the world, and the NLCS, back into balance tonight by shutting down SF in all but Cody Ross' home run, so now we go to the West Coast with Hamels on the mound against Cain. A terrific matchup that...


The Phillies will win. In fact, they'll win both of them, says I. Game 5 will be won by Lincecum at home, but just barely, while the Giants fall in Game six as the O in H2O shuts down the Giants for the second time, back in Philly.


*hides from the Giants fans reading this*


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Silly LewaLew, no one cares about baseball anymore.


Wait... that might just be in places with bad baseball teams but awesome football teams.

You mean in Wisconsin?


My dad really seemed to enjoy hearing the end of that Ohio State vs. Wisconsin game, but he's a Hawkeyes fan.


Oh, and your NFL team can't be that good if they're behind the Chicago Bears in the standings still. Cuz the Bears stink, and everyone but the Bears knows it. :P

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Pfft. I think the Giants will win in seven, with nothing at all being easy and every moment being pure torture, as they say. We're due, I believe.

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Whether the Giants or due or not holds no bearing in the world of baseball. Otherwise, the 2003 NLCS would have gone very different for the Cubs, who are the most overdue team in all of sports.

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Silly LewaLew, no one cares about baseball anymore.


Wait... that might just be in places with bad baseball teams but awesome football teams.

You mean in Wisconsin?


My dad really seemed to enjoy hearing the end of that Ohio State vs. Wisconsin game, but he's a Hawkeyes fan.


Oh, and your NFL team can't be that good if they're behind the Chicago Bears in the standings still. Cuz the Bears stink, and everyone but the Bears knows it. :P

Exactly! I know it's September when the Brewers are out of contention and the Badgers are beating up on small time schools.


And I know it's October when the Brewers fire their manager and the Badgers are tearing up small time teams like Minnesota.


Bah, our team is missing both of its starting tight ends, one of its starting corners, half its d-line, half its linebacking corp, its star running back, etc... In other words, I hate making excuses, but our team would probably be dominating if healthy.

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