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Another Prologue Teaser

Takuma Nuva


Unity, Duty, Destiny.


Destiny. That firm belief of Matoran that we all serve some great purpose in this universe which we are to strive for. But who of us really knows all there is to Destiny?


I do. Let me tell you about Destiny. Destiny helps guide the inhabitants of the universe towards their greater end. But then, I'm not telling you something you didn't already know. But did you know, that Destiny is incredibly lazy?


What is Destiny? Is it some supernatural creature guiding us like puppets on strings? Is it some all-powerful energy field that influences our very actions? Perhaps it is even merely a myth. What if Destiny is just our excuse and our scapegoat for anything that should befall us, good or bad?


Whatever Destiny is, sometimes it just really doesn't care for the idea of getting it's hands dirty. Would you believe that sometimes Destiny pawns it's work off on others?


Well it does. More than once has Destiny left the future of one or more beings in the hands of another. And that poor soul who must do Destiny's work has no destiny of his own but to carry out that work and guide the subjects towards their's. Trust me, it doesn't always turn out pretty.


Now you're probably asking yourself, "Who is this person to tell me he knows Destiny so well? Who is he to render judgement?" A valid question, to be sure.


I am not alone. I, with my brothers and sister, carry the burden which is Destiny's laziness.


I am Rytano. We are the Toa Mysta, Children of Destiny.


And we decide the fate of the entire universe. Including yours.


Sooo, yeah. That's the prologue for my next epic. Hopefully it's even more gripping than the prologue for my last one. I can tell you that I'm 99% positive this epic will be heads-and-shoulders above the last one too because I have more to structure the story around. The hardest part is deciding if the story will start shortly before or right when the Toa Mata arrive on Mata Nui. It'd be easier to start it right where comic #1 opened, but that may lead to complications down the road...



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