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Lady Kopaka


can someone please remind me how it is to sleep? That thing where you close your eyes and don't have really bad nightmares or body aches? I am so dadgumed tired. Even when I'm not worried about college, those health issues keep me from falling into the right REM sleep.


You guys. Don't take sleeping for granted. I remember a few weeks back I slept normally and it was the most wonderful thing ever. Do you guys seriously do that almost every night?


The term 'taking for granted' has been on my mind a lot. I've bumped into a lot of people who just complain or think their life is horrible. I usually hate it when people say "it could be worse" (because you don't want to think about how much worse could this be), but the basic premise is true. I'm a hypocrite, but sometimes I just cringe when I see people like that. It's selfish. It's selfish because you're all busy with yourself when you could be helping someone in a worse circumstance; and along the way it could solve your problem as well.


Learning over the years, 'problems' vary from person and location. One bad grade for a kid is no big deal; for the other it's traumatizing because this means she'll lose her scholarship. You hate school. Well, at least you can go--so many kids out there will never get a proper education, and many will work beyond their ability to get one. I could go down the list, but it can be vise-versa. We're all different people, we handle things differently. A break-up might seem silly to over-worry about in high school, but for that girl or guy who is beyond lonely and they think that's their only option to get rid of it--it is. Whether the intention is good or bad, it's always good to take a step back and view it.


What qualifies your life to be bad? Did your little sister break a LEGO set of yours? Hate eating carrots? You got in a fight with your parent? Bad teacher? Sometimes those things are placed in front of us for a reason. Maybe to help you learn patience, understanding, or just how stupid people are and it’s not worth getting frustrated with.


Instead whining, go out there and try to solve it. Do something, don’t just sit there. Find a person who has it worse than you and learn from them, or try to even help then. One amazing remedy to your own bitterness is being selfless. Trust me, it works. Not just helping others to feel good...when you get to that point when you help someone, and later realize that it made you feel good, you've come a long way. No, you're not running away from your problem, you're facing it. Don't bottle up your emotions either. If you need help, go get it! There are always options to solve things, no matter how grim your life may be. Find a few friends to talk to and get opinions from them about your dilemma. Getting different views can help more than you know.


You may have a terrible dilemma and it takes years to solve, but in the end it will make you stronger, and more knowledgeable to help others with the same issue. For the ‘smaller’ ones, you’ll open your eyes more, see what’s really important. You should feel blessed that you didn’t experience what you thought you were experiencing. In a way, a problem or your own ignorance is a blessing.


Nothing is wrong with having a pity-party or just being grouchy about some silly problem. But watch out…are you doing it because you really need that attention, or you want it because it makes you feel important? Don’t lie to others or yourself.


There's this balance, and I really hope more people find it. I swear it isn’t that complicated, I’m just giving you a hard time with my rambling. Maybe some of this requires practice. I sure did. We’re human. We got the bad in us, but we also have the good in us to counter it as well. Trying is better than doing nothing and moping.


Compassion, tolerance, and love are really important in times like this. We need to go out there more. While our world is expanding, we're also becoming more isolated in our gadgets, our worlds, our problems. Not only is that bad, but it makes us extremely closed-minded and many will never even conceive it. I'm not trying to make people guilty, or complain about complainers, I'm sorry. But someone needs to talk about it, yah know? This is more. I've seen so many people hurt through this confusing mess on both sides and I just want it to stop.


So, the moral of the story is I need some chocolate and to go to bed.


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You speak the truth.


I've been going through some stuff lately, and I've found that dwelling on the bad stuff doesn't help. Once I changed my attitude and focused on just doing my best, my problems didn't seem so big anymore. Once I chose to look outside of myself, I noticed that everything looked a lot brighter.


And I hope you get better. :)

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Well, I'm currently trying to lucid dream. It was really hard the first time around, the usual restlessness and the instances you can't move your body when you accidentally prod too much out your dream.


Interesting thing is that my minister was discussing about "victimization" and how some people abuse it to generate pity and dismiss their flawed character. People suffers from it, because they are afraid of confronting their own errors and blame the problem on someone else. It's an interesting talk. I liked it despite my agnosticism.


Life is depressing for me (realizing at a young age that I am absolutely powerless against corruption and the like), but it's the little enjoyments and achievements in my lifetime that should be always remembered.

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Well, I'm currently trying to lucid dream. It was really hard the first time around, the usual restlessness and the instances you can't move your body when you accidentally prod too much out your dream.


Interesting thing is that my minister was discussing about "victimization" and how some people abuse it to generate pity and dismiss their flawed character. People suffers from it, because they are afraid of confronting their own errors and blame the problem on someone else. It's an interesting talk. I liked it despite my agnosticism.


Life is depressing for me (realizing at a young age that I am absolutely powerless against corruption and the like), but it's the little enjoyments and achievements in my lifetime that should be always remembered.

It's a problem within a problem, but sometimes it boils down to it being their choice and no one can help them come to that point.


Thinking like that is realistic, but unfair. The world is flawed and it isn't your fault, so don't put the weight of the world on you. I have this problem a lot because I feel useless...sometimes though, I remind myself of the movie It's a Wonderful Life. Because no matter how insignificant we are, we still play a big part in something and the world wouldn't be the same without you. Sometimes helping one person is so much more valuable in life than not doing anything and feeling useless that you can't help the entire picture. Like the saying one life is worth a million (or something like that). Don't discredit the small things, because a tower can't be built without a foundation.

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As a struggling college Junior that hasn't gotten more than roughly 4 1/2 hours of sleep per night for about two months, I have to say, amen. I've had a lot of similar thoughts lately, and more than just academically.


Everyone should bookmark this blog entry.

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Possibly chocolate before bed is not a good idea for sleeping, because of the sugar or whatever. Possible cause? :P


This speaks to me, because I know I'm one of the repeat offenders, or at least have been in the past. Certainly something I should try to do more, so I can sorta fix my own messes.


There's that selfishness from me again, mreh. Gotta say, always find your insights profound and truthful, we should try to incorporate them.



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The taking for granted part is something my dad's drilled into my head since forever.


Hang in there!


But don't stop your rambling. The internet has this habit of not being a medium of subtle emotions, so you gotta let us know in word when somethings awry so we people out here can help :)

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This echoes my thoughts almost exactly. Whenever I feel as if I've got it bad or things aren't really going my way, I try to think about how bad I -don't- have it. I've got a place to sleep at night, food to eat, family and friends. That's really all I need. Why complain? Go and do something about it.

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Well, I'm currently trying to lucid dream. It was really hard the first time around, the usual restlessness and the instances you can't move your body when you accidentally prod too much out your dream.


Interesting thing is that my minister was discussing about "victimization" and how some people abuse it to generate pity and dismiss their flawed character. People suffers from it, because they are afraid of confronting their own errors and blame the problem on someone else. It's an interesting talk. I liked it despite my agnosticism.


Life is depressing for me (realizing at a young age that I am absolutely powerless against corruption and the like), but it's the little enjoyments and achievements in my lifetime that should be always remembered.

It's a problem within a problem, but sometimes it boils down to it being their choice and no one can help them come to that point.


Thinking like that is realistic, but unfair. The world is flawed and it isn't your fault, so don't put the weight of the world on you. I have this problem a lot because I feel useless...sometimes though, I remind myself of the movie It's a Wonderful Life. Because no matter how insignificant we are, we still play a big part in something and the world wouldn't be the same without you. Sometimes helping one person is so much more valuable in life than not doing anything and feeling useless that you can't help the entire picture. Like the saying one life is worth a million (or something like that). Don't discredit the small things, because a tower can't be built without a foundation.


Understandable. I cannot control the world. I do occasionally enjoy the simple random acts of kindness, such as helping some old lady lift her wheelchair through a door (even though she wanted a man to do it, but I was the only person 'round the block), donating 5 bucks or so to local educators, or taking my mother out to eat. However, I'm a quite selfish person, simply savoring a grand dream to improve the human condition so that our future generation would not have to suffer certain issues that our current generation has to overcome.


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Do you guys seriously do that almost every night?

No. If I did, I wouldn't be on BZPower at 2:33 in the morning. XP

haha, but that's what I was implying...you guys have the choice...I don't, and I envy it.


Understandable. I cannot control the world. I do occasionally enjoy the simple random acts of kindness, such as helping some old lady lift her wheelchair through a door (even though she wanted a man to do it, but I was the only person 'round the block), donating 5 bucks or so to local educators, or taking my mother out to eat. However, I'm a quite selfish person, simply savoring a grand dream to improve the human condition so that our future generation would not have to suffer certain issues that our current generation has to overcome.

Your own personality and belief, I would say, could be much worse though. It isn't selfish to want that, because it's a very deep and profound dream. Most people don't look beyond their nose. My point was try not to let that powerlessness drag you down, because as I said, little things are just as important. And who knows, maybe you will bring a big change--nothing is impossible.

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Ugh, I have the same problem but for different reasons. Namely my imagination going at full speed and me trying fruitlessly to calm it down so I can sleep. :P


Yeah, hope you feel better soon. :)



[Yoda]The truth, this entry is full of. Listen to it, we should.[/Yoda]

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Speak it, Lady K! You speak with a lot of wisdom and maturity. I'm so thankful for this reminder. I'm truely sorry that you can't sleep. My brother has similar problems, so I know a little of what it's like. I'll be praying for you :)


To add to what you were saying, though, I was in a very third-world country this summer, and I saw people living in Cardboard houses on top of a trash dump. And I heard of 2000+ people getting their homes destroyed so the nation could build a fancy hotel with guards all around, "to help the economy." It really got me thinking on how blessed my life actually is, where I have a home and food to eat...and I realized that we all complain in what we consider the "bad" times far too much. I mean, We complain about paper cuts, yet there are people out there with no fingers at all, and they are happier than we are.


and the sad thing is, One man's pain is another man's joke...little humbling, but from my expirience it far too commonplace.

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I feel for you. I've had a couple bouts with being unable to sleep, but nothing as bad as what you're experiencing.


I'm may not be as lucky as some people, but life is pretty good me. Thanks for making me look at this.




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Do you guys seriously do that almost every night?

No. If I did, I wouldn't be on BZPower at 2:33 in the morning. XP

haha, but that's what I was implying...you guys have the choice...I don't, and I envy it.

Ooh, poor time to say that. When I made that comment, I was awake because almost-gale force winds were whipping about outside my house. I don't see the choice behind that.

I also legitimately have problems getting to sleep sometimes.

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Ugh... Sleep...


What's that like again?


i can't even move my stomach muscles since like, 3 days ago...


But i agree fully. You deserve a big box-o-chocolates LK, just for this...



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Hi, I'm 20 years old, I go to bed at 1 AM, sleep like a rock, wake up at 12, ace all my full-time uni subjects, and then I go and cook dinner for my grandparents with a smile on my face.



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Don't overestimate your problems; by helping the people around you and seeing through their eyes, you grow as a person; and find the balance between sharing your problems and solving them yourself. That's what I got from reading this. I'm glad that you see things this way. :)
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