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Unseen Entity - Prologue

Shadow Destroyer


Edit: This epic was canceled a long time ago. However, feel free to read my old and inexperienced writing style. ^_^


The tattered and blackened cloak dragged across the ground as the being who wore it paced back and forth. The chamber the entity was in was dark, cold, and filled with toxic fumes. Any of these traits would have kept most people away, but this being seemed to revel in them. Monitors were scattered against one of the walls, and the walls and the ceiling were covered by a dripping, oozing slime.


The being walked over to one of the monitors on the wall and stared at it intently. He was so focused on it, he didn’t even notice when another being hastily opened the door, and walked into the chamber. The dark being glanced up when the other being closed the door, but then resumed looking at the monitor.


The other entity walked over to the being standing at the monitor, and he nervously cleared his throat. The one at the monitor looked up, annoyed. “What is it, Smoke Monster?” the being demanded in a harsh, metallic voice. The Smoke Monster stiffened, and he replied tersely, “The attack on Biozon is set to begin soon, sir. We have our agents in place, and the fools won’t be expecting an attack after such a long period of peace.”


“Don’t underestimate them, Smoke Monster, they are stronger than they look.” The other being replied. The being looked over at the monitor again, and then he stood up. The Smoke Monster backed up. The other being was at least eight feet tall. Black, spiked armor covered his entire body, and he wore a tattered cloak on his back. He had a helmet on his head, and the red visor gleamed crimson in the darkness.


“Do you remember, Smoke Monster, how you got your name?” The being asked. The Smoke Monster certainly did remember. After a failed mission, he was experimented on as punishment, and one of the experiments turned half of his body into thick, billowing smoke. The Smoke Monster looked at the arm that had been changed, and he shuddered inwardly when he saw again what had happened to it. “Yes sir, I do remember that.” He replied.


“Good.” The other replied, “We wouldn’t want something like that to happen again, now would we?” The Smoke Monster took another step back. “No sir, we wouldn’t.” He stuttered.


“Good...” The other replied. He turned back toward the monitor, and then he glanced back toward the Smoke Monster again. “Why don’t you go make yourself useful?” The being demanded, “Go and get the others ready, the attack will commence soon.”


The Smoke Monster didn’t need to be told a second time, “Yes sir.” He replied, and then he hastily exited the room.


The other being walked over to the wall with the monitors. The biggest screen had a picture of a gleaming, silver city on it. The being looked at it for a second, and then he brutally smashed the screen with his clawed fist. “The attack on Biozon will start soon,” the being thought, “and only then, Lord Oblivion will have his revenge...





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I really like this, I was going to ask who the character talking to smoke monster was but I don't really want it spoiled. When can we expect a full chapter?

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“The attack on Biozon will start soon,” the being thought, “and only then, Lord Oblivion will have his revenge...”

The cloaked being is Lord Oblivion.



Do you know what I want, what I really really want.


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This sounds really cool. I like the way you made Smoke Monster's name make sense :P

The way you introduced LO was clever too - not revealing his name until the very end.

Can't wait to read the full story :)


I know it's probably a bit late, but there wouldn't be any chance of me getting into it would there?

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I'm glad you like it. :) Now to answer some questions...


Lord Oblivion: Yes, you are the main guy in this part. (The guy who is thinking at the end.) Also, I don't want to reveal yet if he is the main bad guy, but he is definitely pretty important.


Fearlix: Sorry, but it wouldn't be fair to other people if I accepted your guy, and didn't accept their's. If I am running short of characters, I'll be sure to pm you though. :)




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Lord Oblivion: Yes, you are the main guy in this part. (The guy who is thinking at the end.) Also, I don't want to reveal yet if he is the main bad guy, but he is definitely pretty important.

Awesome B)


Lord Oblivion

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