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Bye Glitchy



So what if I name my computers?


err, whatever.


Anyways, to begin let me tell you about my family's nutty computers...


Oldie: Our oldest one, is a Pentium with windows 98 and no internet connection.

Freezy: The one I always use, it's a pentium three with windows 2000. And it freezes up like Karz. <_<

Glitchy: Our newest one, it's a Pentium four with windows XP. And a glitch in the graphics card that annoys me to no end. And just recently it lost internet connection.


So my dad somehow wipes it by accident.


And I'm like "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" Because I just lost a ton of stuff I had on there. Fortunately i don't use glitchy much, so I didn't lose everything!


Anyways, besides that, I'm beginning to fall a bit behind oin my nanowrimo word count (I believe I have a little over a thousand words written)


Oh, and banging your head into a scanner hurts! :P


Also, I managed to get some RPG Making in, and the minigame I designed isn't half bad...




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You do know that I'm a hairsbreath away from placing a bounty on Sheldon's head- err, screen...



And I take it that Sheldon thinks you're strange as well. :P



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:tohu: Is Sheldon an IPod or Itouch? Anyways, Glitchie seems like an accident-prone name... :tohu:


It's her laptop. :P


And it hisses at people...


And it's an accident prone computer. :P




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