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Weekly Update - 11/5

Black Six



It's November already? Well, it's Friday, so that means it's time for a weekly update. Here we go!



October is done, that means a new episode of the Powercast! Go listen to us have all sorts of fun. It actually wasn't as crazy as some have been, but I think the topics were pretty interesting and hopefully informative. Also, Taped Headphones is awesome!


LEGO recently announced a partnership with NASA. I look forward to seeing these sets, and I know some of you are too, based on the responses to the recent topic asking for theme ideas. This will be the fourth or fifth time LEGO has done a theme like this, and I've always enjoyed the sets they've turned out.


A new chapter of The Powers that Be came out yesterday. Yay Bionicle isn't dead yet! Don't worry guys there's still some life in the old line. :P


There's been some stuff going on amongst the Ambassadors recently. I think moving forward LEGO is going to be a lot more communicative about things. We're still working on completing our application, but we will be applying. Jim and the gang has put out a request for some other information that we're starting to collect. You may hear more about that this weekend.


I think that is all I have for you for now, folks!



1.do you feel loved?

2.whats your favorite doctor who episode from new series season 1?

3.season 2?

4.season 3?

5.season 4?

6.season 5?


1. You have no idea.

2. Either Father's Day or The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

3. The Girl in the Fireplace

4. Blink

5. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

6. The Lodger? Maybe?

7. That is nigh impossible. I think I'll have to go with Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome. Have a good weekend - don't forget to set your clocks back!


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Yay, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead is one of my all-time top favorites too! (And actually we agree on Girl in the Fireplace and Blink as well, though I did not really care for Father's Day. Gotta love Jack and The Doctor quibble over "who carries a sonic screwdriver?" in The Doctor Dances!)

I really think Vincent and The Doctor really just blew all the other episodes away though, but there was not really any bad episode of this entire new season.



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Sorry, Six, but there's no possible way "Girl in the Fireplace" topped the Daleks trash-talking the Cybermen in "Doomsday." :P The Cybermen episodes pretty much made that season, IMO. Otherwise, Series 2 was kind of mediocre.

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It's funny how looking back everyone loved Tennant, but you're right his first season wasn't nearly as good as Eccleston's or as his own later ones. I honestly don't remember most of those episodes very well and was basing it off the synopses on Wikipedia.

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I think season 2 and 4 did really well with Tennant, but with season 3, despite how much I liked Martha for being a smarter companion, it did not have too many memorable episodes. Donna was probably his best companion though, and really added a different aspect to season 4.



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I think season 2 and 4 did really well with Tennant, but with season 3, despite how much I liked Martha for being a smarter companion, it did not have too many memorable episodes. Donna was probably his best companion though, and really added a different aspect to season 4.



thats because it was tennants last season and they wanted to pour everything they had into it. having just watched end of time, i can vouch for this.

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All Steven Moffat's episodes I see... Not like I can blame you.


But I'm surprised that no one mentioned the Utopia-Last of the Time Lords story arc... also, surprised the PMer didn't ask about Specials :P

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also, surprised the PMer didn't ask about Specials :P

most of the specials can be associated with a certain season (e.g. end of time with season 4)

Heh, I call the special's Season 4.5, which I gethered a lot of the internet did. I find it odd to call them season 4. And there are, of course, the Christmas Specials. I really like The Next Doctor, oddly it was released with the 2009 specials DVD.



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