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The Things I Think Of At One Am...



So I'm trying to get to sleep, and my mind refuses to cooperate. And next thing you know, it's wandering off onto the similarities between the plots of Eregon and Star Wars Episode four...


Girl has SECRET IMPORTANT THINGY!(SIT) Girl is attacked by EVIL VILLIAN!(EV) Girl manages to send – unknowingly – the SIT to the SOON TO BE HERO.(STBH) However the girl is then captured by the EV. Soon to be hero meets LAST MEMBER OF ANCIENT ORDER,(LMOAO) who tells him about how the ancient order was destroyed by ONE OF THEIR OWN!(OOTO), and then tells him that he must be trained to be a knight in the ancient order, however the boy refuses, saying that he must get home. STBH’s parents are killed by the EVIL GOVERNMENT SOLDIERS (EGS). STBH then agrees to be trained. Long series of traveling well trying to avoid detection by EGS. STBH and LMOAO try to rescue girl, succeed, but in the process LMOAO is killed by EV. STPH and girl join a resistance and engage in an EPIC BATTLE (EB) against an army of EGS. In the nick of time, STBH saves the resistance from losing the EB, and defeats the EV in an aerial battle.


I think that pretty much is a basic outline of both movies. :P


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:tohu: Oh yes, but SW was too awesome to be compared to this! :tohu:


Sorry, mon, but Eragon deserves to be compared to Star Wars. It's quickly becoming an awesome fantasy epic, vs. Star Wars, which will, and will always be, the awesome Sci-Fi epic.


Then again, I haven't had experience with much other Sci-Fi...



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:tohu: Yeah, but Star Wars is still better! :P :tohu:


*Buzzer sounds*


You do know, that SW being better is just your opinion. I can't choose, mainly because I haven't watched Eregond for a long time. But from what I remember, It looked better then A New Hope to me....

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