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Omicron Q&a

Spoony Bard


Well since I know a few members already did this before, I figured I should too. Basically you ask me a question about myself or some random question that you wanna hear my input on.


So ask away.




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Hmmm.. I don't think I'll do that.

Ah. Is Omi a World of Warcraft fan? ^^

--Sir Garatis

I don't play World of Warcraft

Ooh, ooh! I have a question! Could you be any more of a Final Fantasy fan?


Do you like the band Muse? If not, how come?

Nah. Not my type of genre of music.



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1. do you believe Lemurs are being abducted by aliens and forced into weight-loss programs?


2. Is it true you're secretly a Yankees fan?


3. Is it true that you don't realize a parsec is a distance measurement, not a speed measurement?


4.Who shot first? (Han Solo jokes FTW! if you don't get it, ask TMD. He'll explain.)

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1. do you believe Lemurs are being abducted by aliens and forced into weight-loss programs?


2. Is it true you're secretly a Yankees fan?


3. Is it true that you don't realize a parsec is a distance measurement, not a speed measurement?


4.Who shot first? (Han Solo jokes FTW! if you don't get it, ask TMD. He'll explain.)

1. Yes.

2. It is no secret. I am a Yankees fan.

3. George Lucas' fault, not mine. :P

4. Well as you can see from the movie, his blast came first, as I dodged it and fired. :P

Looking at Mobius's number 2, are you a Yankee or Red Sox fan? If your a Yankee, I'll kill you. Through words. On a computer.

--Sir Garatis




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Would you mind if I borrowed this idea for my own Blog? It seems like a good one.


Also, if you could be any tree, which would it be?


And on a serious note: What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years?

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Thanks for answering my questions. Now here some more:

1) What's it like to be marriage to Tufi Piyufi?

2) Do you speed-walk to your classes or do you walk slowly not even caring if you are late to your class?

3) What is the sound of one hand clapping?

4) If a tree fall in forest with no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

5) What's the J. in Jedi Master J. stand for?

6) Why did you pick the name Omicron?

7) Which is better a lightsaber or a blaster?

8) Do you like anything made by Nintendo?

9) What was High school like?

10) Was it hard?

Those are all questions, I could think of right now. So, please answer them, when you have the time to. Once again thanks for answering my questions from before. ~J.M.J.~

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1. do you believe Lemurs are being abducted by aliens and forced into weight-loss programs?


2. Is it true you're secretly a Yankees fan?


3. Is it true that you don't realize a parsec is a distance measurement, not a speed measurement?


4.Who shot first? (Han Solo jokes FTW! if you don't get it, ask TMD. He'll explain.)

1. Yes.

2. It is no secret. I am a Yankees fan.

3. George Lucas' fault, not mine. :P

4. Well as you can see from the movie, his blast came first, as I dodged it and fired. :P

Looking at Mobius's number 2, are you a Yankee or Red Sox fan? If your a Yankee, I'll kill you. Through words. On a computer.

--Sir Garatis




*Kill* Kill*

Does Omi play any games besides FF and MGS?

--Sir Garatis

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Would you mind if I borrowed this idea for my own Blog? It seems like a good one.


Also, if you could be any tree, which would it be?


And on a serious note: What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years?

1. Sure I guess. I stole it from others. :P

2. Neo Ex-Death :P


j/k. I would probably be an Oak, because they symbolize strength, due to them being strong.

3. In 5 years: I will probably still be in college finishing up in Liberal Arts and transfer elsewhere. I still would like to continue pursuing a degree in Broadcasting, or get a degree in Photography. In 10 years: Hopefully I am out of college, but education never hurts even at that point in time. I plan on being in the career field that I enjoy, it being either a photographer or a radio producer or disc-jockey.

1) What's it like to be marriage to Tufi Piyufi?

2) Do you speed-walk to your classes or do you walk slowly not even caring if you are late to your class?

3) What is the sound of one hand clapping?

4) If a tree fall in forest with no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

5) What's the J. in Jedi Master J. stand for?

6) Why did you pick the name Omicron?

7) Which is better a lightsaber or a blaster?

8) Do you like anything made by Nintendo?

9) What was High school like?

10) Was it hard?

1. Since it is a faux marriage via Star Wars fad, it isn't a big deal to me. :P

2. I take my time. Life should never be rushed, whether you're early or late. If I am late, then I am late.

3. A clapping sound made by one hand.

4. No, because no one is around to account for it.

5. I know I will get this wrong, but I will take a stab at it anyways. I believe it is your first initial of your name. If not, it makes your screenname very homie-ish. B)

6. Originally my screenname was Omna: Toa of Secrets. Omicron was his "evolution". However after I changed my name to Omicron, I realized it had a deeper meaning then it originally stood for. See, Omicron is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet, and is the "middle". It is also equivalent to the letter O. The letter O is also the 15th letter of our alphabet, and is in the "middle". My middle initial is O, and my full name consists of 15 letters.

7. Lightsaber. I suck with guns. I can wield a blade far better than shooting a gun.

8. Final Fantasy of course, since NES was the original platform for it. I also enjoy Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon.

9. High school was an incredible experiance. First 2 years (9th and 10th grade) were a bit hard, but as they progressed into the later years (11th and 12th) it had gotten easier. High school is also the period in your life where you discover who you really are in life, and experiance incredible moments in your lifetime.

10. Difficulty can vary per person, so it could be hard for me, but easy for you. And vice versa.

Does Omi play any games besides FF and MGS?

Mortal Kombat, James Bond games, Pokemon handhelds, Zelda, Mario, Soul Calibur, Fatal Frame trilogy, Dragon Quest, etc. Basically whatever suits my fancy.



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How is Omi typing if he is frozen?

And, how much cooler am I than Omi? *Cough*muchmuch*Cough*

--Sir Garatis

1. I use the force, dur. :P

2. Not much. :P



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Thanks for answering my questions. I also like to tell that you were right that its stand for first letter in my name. Um, I got some more questions:

1) What is homie-ish?

2) How Brickfest going so far?

3) What's it like to be a Staff member?

4) Do you have the Legend of Zelda: the Twilight Princess game?

5) Did you ever read Jurassic Park By: Michael Crichton?

Well, those are all questions, I could think of. I may have more questions later. Sorry about bother you with these questions, you can answer them, when you have the time to. ~J.M.J.~

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Thanks for answering my questions. I also like to tell that you were right that its stand for first letter in my name. Um, I got some more questions:

1) What is homie-ish?

2) How Brickfest going so far?

3) What's it like to be a Staff member?

4) Do you have the Legend of Zelda: the Twilight Princess game?

5) Did you ever read Jurassic Park By: Michael Crichton?

Well, those are all questions, I could think of. I may have more questions later. Sorry about bother you with these questions, you can answer them, when you have the time to. ~J.M.J.~

1. Homie is a slang term for "brother" or "friend". So your an Omi homie.

2. Right now slow. I should call KIE sometime soon. :P

3. A respsonsible task that gets tougher by the day, since I am getting older and other thing sget in the way. :P

4. No, because I do not own a Wii.

5. Bits and pieces when I was younger. I saw the movie though. :D



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How is Omi typing if he is frozen?

And, how much cooler am I than Omi? *Cough*muchmuch*Cough*

--Sir Garatis

1. I use the force, dur. :P

2. Not much. :P



Ah. So you admit I am cooler than you?

--Sir Garatis

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In reply to your answer to TMD's question about TP, did you know the game is also available for Gamecube?


Do you want the Wii?


Do I want the Wii?


Am I awesome?


Can I be a homie?




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In reply to your answer to TMD's question about TP, did you know the game is also available for Gamecube?


Do you want the Wii?


Do I want the Wii?


Am I awesome?


Can I be a homie?




1. I don't want or need a Gamecube.

2. No

3. Get a PS3.

4. You will be awesome if you got a PS3.

5. See above.





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Can I have $500 to buy a PS3?


Will I get shot if I say I've never played a FF game?


How does it feel to be frozen?


Is being frozen a homie thing only?


Do I want a 360 PS3?


Should I buy FF3 for DS?


How many awesome points do I currently have in my account?


Can you buy awesome points?


Is there a way to get awesome points without buying anything? If so, how?


Can I have 20 awesome points for free?




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Can I have $500 to buy a PS3?


Will I get shot if I say I've never played a FF game?


How does it feel to be frozen?


Is being frozen a homie thing only?


Do I want a 360 PS3?


Should I buy FF3 for DS?


How many awesome points do I currently have in my account?


Can you buy awesome points?


Is there a way to get awesome points without buying anything? If so, how?


Can I have 20 awesome points for free?




1. No

2. Yes

3. Cold

4. Yes

5. You want a PS3

6. Yes

7. I can't remember

8. Yes, send 1 million dollars to my address, and you cna get one awesome point.

9. I dunno

10. Sure.



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How does it feel like being the butt of all jokes?


When do you think you'll reach the big 10K?


What comments do you have on The Empress's 'Fist Shaker' rank? Do you think she's shaking her fist at you?


mumu is emoticon deprived

He has EDD


Emoticon Deprivation Disorder, of course

Do you think that there will be a cure for mumu?


May we meet again....

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How does it feel like being the butt of all jokes?


When do you think you'll reach the big 10K?


What comments do you have on The Empress's 'Fist Shaker' rank? Do you think she's shaking her fist at you?


mumu is emoticon deprived

He has EDD


Emoticon Deprivation Disorder, of course

Do you think that there will be a cure for mumu?


May we meet again....

1. Not too bad.

2. A year or two.

3. Most of the time, she does.

4. Yes.



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Tell me why you think IV is the greatest FF, I rank it second only to FFVI.

I like FFIV because it has one of my fave characters in it, Kain Highwind. He is just so awesome as a dragoon. Also the music I particularly like as well, such as Battle With the Four Fiends, Zeromus, and Theme of Love tracks. This game also doesnt have a corny love story getting in the way, and plus the fact you fly to the moon to stop the final boss. :P


The storyline is cool as well, and not at all confusing as some usually do.



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