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The Nation Of Africa

-Toa Lhikevikk-


Why is it that people who think Africa is a nation and not a continent get made fun of, whereas people refer to America as a nation and not a continent all the time?


Double standard, much?


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To be fair, when people refer to America (as in North America) they're likely talking about just the US and Canada. (And they leave out the Canadians) When they refer to Middle or Latin America, they mean everything from Mexico to Panama (technically, they're part of North America, but they get to be called Latin America instead) and South America is just the continent and such.


Or it might be the whole "United States of America" just getting shortened to "America".



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To be fair, when people refer to America (as in North America) they're likely talking about just the US and Canada. (And they leave out the Canadians) When they refer to Middle or Latin America, they mean everything from Mexico to Panama (technically, they're part of North America, but they get to be called Latin America instead) and South America is just the continent and such.


Or it might be the whole "United States of America" just getting shortened to "America".



Or my favorite kind of America.





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