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Dreamworks: Megamind Breakdown



Just went and saw MegaMind in theaters. I must say, Dreamworks, you are catching on. Thank you.


First off, the trailers do this movie little justice. The plot is very different from the trailers (at least what I saw). The storyline is listed below, in spoiler tags (Because it is a spoiler):


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Megamind is the villain and Metroman is the Hero. Megamind actually succeeds in a freak operation and kills Metroman. Without a Hero, Megamind thinks he has it all. Turns out he doesn't like having it all. He wants someone to battle with. So he creates this thing that will infuse all of Metroman's powers into someone. Well, he hits this guy and makes him into Titan (though the new guy refers to himself as 'Tighten'). Tighten decides to use the powers for himself and thus wrecks the city. I won't spoil it too much, however.

I really liked the movie. It had a fantastic character arc, good plot and really wrestled with some very intriging ideas, like the true nature of good and evil.


I would recommend this movie to anyone.


Night Fury


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Wow, seems like Dreamworks is really making some nice stuff! I really do want to watch this movie, but I think I'll have to wait for it to hit the $3 Theater to see it.


Sounds like nothing I inferred from the commercials, though. Interesting.

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Dreamworks may FINALLY catching hold of the idea that good morals and plot lead to better movies. What a thought.


Night Fury

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