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Sick On Top Of Being Sick

Lady Kopaka


I am like, extra extra sick right now. I hope it isn't the flu...I'm surprised how long I escaped the grasp of all those ailments traveling around though (I'm not even sure I have a immune system).


Just Skullkid invited me to go see Harry Potter 7 on Sunday...I can't be sick then! Agh! I don't even remember the last time I hung out with people, much less people my age!


Besides that, life is pretty much Karzahni. Sick on top of sickness, getting bad grades 'cause of it, a lot of personal problems--every little darn thing goes wrong. Whoever said that the Irish were lucky needs a punch in the face. Now yeah, it 'could be worse' or 'hang in there', but man, right now I can barely breathe through my nose and my head feels like it's about to fall off, I have a right to be emo. SO YEAH. Don't mess with grouchy LK.


In the meantime, I'm going to curl up and attempt to do homework...and probably end up playing Guild Wars or something instead.


I also had to quit NaNo. I'm sorry guys. Glitch 2 isn't canceled, but I have no idea when I'll be able to write on it. I'm really sorry to commissioners too; few weeks ago I had started on all the drafting and things were going smoothly...and then it fell apart. I'm trying really hard though to work on them when I can, really.


Hope everyone is doing good here, sorry for not being active.


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Whoever said that the Irish were lucky needs a punch in the face.

Being Irish, I agree.

(Well maybe not to the extent of punching them in the face. But whatever.)


And I can also relate to having an Immune system in bits. Mine's been like that since as long as I can remember.

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If anyone has the right not to be active, it's you. And don't forget that as long as you're alive, you're okay, fighting off all that and not getting everything done perfectly ever does not mean you're a bad person. There's always options, don't allow yourself to become a slave to anything. If life is tough and you're struggling with classes, take a quarter off or something. Give yourself space. It'll be alright.

Also you have the right to be emo. Now dye your hair black. With purple stripes. And start wearing all black. Do it.

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If anyone has the right not to be active, it's you. And don't forget that as long as you're alive, you're okay, fighting off all that and not getting everything done perfectly ever does not mean you're a bad person. There's always options, don't allow yourself to become a slave to anything. If life is tough and you're struggling with classes, take a quarter off or something. Give yourself space. It'll be alright.

Also you have the right to be emo. Now dye your hair black. With purple stripes. And start wearing all black. Do it.

I would get disowned by my family if I died my hair black! I'll just use my purple wig instead. And most of my clothes are black, I just seem to fall into the punk style more?


I really want to take a semester off or something, but I don't think it's possible because of insurance problems and other things. I'm sorta stuck in a limbo--I'm not allowing myself to become a slave to problems, but there are not many solutions for my problems atm.

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The lack of sleep isn't helping you either. Increase Vitamin C intake, take the over-the-counter stuff, avoid all activity. You feel miserable because your body is telling your nerves to keep you down (so you're less likely to get more sick). Get a lot of rest, your body is also going to need hydration to help fight the virus, so you know the process of water and all. And for Pete sake, use this time to sleep. If you follow this religiously for the next 24 hours, maybe, maybe you'll feel better by the time you get to the movies.



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The lack of sleep isn't helping you either. Increase Vitamin C intake, take the over-the-counter stuff, avoid all activity. You feel miserable because your body is telling your nerves to keep you down (so you're less likely to get more sick). Get a lot of rest, your body is also going to need hydration to help fight the virus, so you know the process of water and all. And for Pete sake, use this time to sleep. If you follow this religiously for the next 24 hours, maybe, maybe you'll feel better by the time you get to the movies.



Oh hun, I've been attempting that for years. My body refuses to be logical. This has helped me, but not as much as I liked. And I have slept a lot, not as much as I liked due to fear of nightmares. Of course I am terrible at just 'relaxing' and not stressing, because of the environment I'm in.


The issue boils down to a bad medical condition, and I have yet to solve the root. If I don't' solve that, I keep getting sick like this. But thank you for the advice anyway.

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