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Wa Contest #1: Team #2 Discussion Entry



Team #2, KNI, Daedalus, and myself, we have a contest to win. We don't have much to go on, which is good. My plan is that we should enlist in each one, though I'm not sure who should write the SS, if anyone. Any ideas?


Oh, yeah, one last thing: doods, if we write for either, could people please use Arcanio and Virgil? I'd like to use them, as they have almost no backstory or anything, as well as SHEER AWESOMENESS :3


If no one knows what I'm talking about, here's my Arcanio/Virgil sample:


Arcanio's steps seemed to split the earth itself.


A giant of a man, Arcanio literally shook the earth with each step his comically small legs took. That is, comically small compared to the hulking mass of muscle and sinew that was his torso. Covered in armor fashioned of a silver metal, he appeared to be a monstrosity even more so when one examined his right arm. Unlike Arcanio's left arm, it was covered in a mishapen mass of metal that made it three times thicker than the other arm. Claws came out of its stumpy ending instead of fingers, lethal stilettos ready to stab. Half of his face, as well, was covered by the same gunmetal blob. Dangling lose at his belt was a war hammer, and a serious-looking one at that. Covered in glowing red and white runes, the hammer had a huge axe blade on one side, whereas the other had the traditional metal head. To top it off, literally, the top of the hammer had a huge spike mounted upon it. His face was covered by a helmet shaped like a wolf's head, which was appropiate considering his company. Next to the giant, a gray wolf plodded along faithfully, its blue eyes showing a stoic determination like its master's. Virgil was the pet's name, but Arcanio did not consider Virgil a "pet"; rather, to him, the canine was his partner.


The two travelled on through a canyon, its walls a rusty red. Once, long ago, a stream had babbled there. Now, the only sounds were the shaking of the earth under Arcanio's feet andt he cawing of crows. He saw a throng of them overhead now, descending. It was all prefectly normal-


-Except for the fact that crows didn't live in the desert.


Suddenly, one of them dive-bombed Virgil, biting the wolf in the ear. Howling, Virgil twisted this way and that, trying to shake the bird off, but more were coming, and soon, the wolf was covered in crows, snapping and clawing at him.


And then Arcanio descended upon them like a thunderbolt, literally. He had been preparing all this time, storing his magic, and now he unleashed it, lightning sparking off his right arm and hitting the crows. They scattered, shocked, then re-formed, and turned to attack Arcanio himself.


At first, their pecks were just a nuisance as he shocked them off, but gradually, he realized two things: his electric attacks weren't affecting them any more, and his armor was being penetrated by their beaks. Slowly, ever so slowly, he was losing.


Now, he decided, was time to fight. Grasping his war hammer's hilt, he threw it, spinning, into the crowd of crows. They screamed, trying to get away from it, only to die smashed by one head, impaled by the spike, or cut in half by the blade. Flying around, the hammer cut another swath through his foes before Arcanios caught it. That dealt with most of his enemies.


However, the few left were still pecking and clawing at him, and he was, by this time, covered in stabs and slashes made by the crow's natural weapons. Arcanios tried to punch them off, but to no avail. The crows seemed to have a near-magnetic grip on his armor, not to mention a near-metal constituition of their feathers. Closing his eyes, Arcanios prepared to die-


-And then heard a howling battle cry. Reopening his lids, the titan saw Virgil, descending upon the crows once more. Smiling, Arcanios used his last bit of magic to turn Virgil's fur into metal temporarily, and the iron wolf literally wolfed down his enemies as they fultiley tried to pierce the wolf's armor, gulping them down like chicken.


Finally, the battle was over, the canyon floor covered with the corpses of the birds. Sitting back and relaxing in the shade of the canyon, Arcanios and Virgil licked their wounds, then, tired from the combat, went to sleep.


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:tohu: You know what, I think I will start an epic...


About the name. Maybe we should take a vote. Justita vs Conspicious.


As you can probly tell, I vote the latter... :tohu:

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*Incoming Transmission*


Wait, is that supposed to be "Conspicious" or "Conspicuous"? If the former, what does it mean?


If it is the latter, what does it have to do with the story itself? Also, what does justice have to do with the story? I'm not against either name, but part of the reason I have a hard time naming stories is because I want the title to have something to do with the story itself; I want the title to subtly allude to something in the story.


Also note that I am not saying that either title has nothing to do with the story; I would just like to hear why you guys have chosen the titles you have.


*End Transmission*

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*Incoming Transmission*


Wait, is that supposed to be "Conspicious" or "Conspicuous"? If the former, what does it mean?


If it is the latter, what does it have to do with the story itself? Also, what does justice have to do with the story? I'm not against either name, but part of the reason I have a hard time naming stories is because I want the title to have something to do with the story itself; I want the title to subtly allude to something in the story.


Also note that I am not saying that either title has nothing to do with the story; I would just like to hear why you guys have chosen the titles you have.


*End Transmission*


Well, Justice is what Arcanio is seeking. I mean, let's think about it for a sec. He's protecting Kevin although he doesn't know him, which is really because he thinks that, basically, someone attacking a defenseless dude is not fair, even though he knows nothing about the situation. And then when he attacks that Crase, he's acting because, although he doesn't know his foe, he knows instinctively that outlaws are outlaws for a reason, they should be punished. IMHo, what he's seeking is justice and, in a primal way, fairness.


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All right, sounds good to me. (And it's okay about the whole spelling thing. I was mainly wondering if what you had put was a Latin word or something.)


*End Transmission*

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Ookey, then. With that, I'll publish it, as we've reached an undivided consensus.


EDIT: Here's our "baby" ( :P ): Justice.


Well, guys, this is it. Thanks so much for everything, Dae and KNI. I really had a great time workin' with y'all.

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:tohu: Well, that about wraps it up. In hopes we'll work together again Dalus. Mango, I'll PMing you the latest comic project once Adders answers... :tohu:
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*Incoming Transmission*


You know, I must admit that I was a little worried when we first began this. But now that we've done it, I must say that I also enjoyed working with you guys. I hope we get to do it again in the future.


*End Transmission*

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