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Hey Guys

Taka Nuvia




... recent events (pms, to be precise) reminded me that I should give you a little update on the latest 'events':


-) Everything's better again. People still kinda ignore me, but the atmosphere is less unfriendly. So I'm no longer all too down, and feeling overall better. Also, I want to apologize that I haven't been around much lately, my head was somewhere else =[


-) I've got a cold. Nothing too serious, just the kind that affects the voice a bit and makes you cough or sneeze from time to time. In other words, it could be much, much worse.


-) Today I encountered another kind of art block: the Weird Face Syndrome. I'm not able to draw faces in 3/4 view without making them look somewhat deformed. It's annoying, but led to some quite funny doodles on my desk at school... XD


But enough about me, how are you?:)


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Welcome back, Taka! :D


I think I´m permanently stuck on that kind of art block. And a few other facial angles, too. :lol:


As for the rest of us, well, personally I´m absolutely and utterly fine. =)



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Welcome to my world. The first is always happening to me.

I had a cold last week. Not fun. I think i still have it a bit.

Lucky you. I have wierd body syndrome. This makes my drawings even worse than they already are.

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