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24: Another Tournament R P G

Kal the Guardian


So, with the introduction that I made up cuz I felt like it below, what do you think? And yes, the Tournament actually isn't corrupted! GASP! No way, you say? Yes way. Then again, tournament RPGs always seem to start with the tournament and then end up with this awesome story. Well, at least it happened in Tournament of Shadows and Night Ride. Both corrupt. Both awesome. I mean, really, what can we hope to gain from another new tourney RPG? More of the same?


No, I say! More of the awesome! Less of the bad! More of the fun! Less of the annoying time between battles! A game where you don't tire, don't stop, and the fun never ends!


But let's look back to the RPG I want to craft. :P


I've even come up with this awesome name that I've made up on the spot:


GPR Tnemanrout

Yes, insane, I know. You may lavish me with your approval now.


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The tournament isn't corrupt in The Garden. :P


Also, I'm not feeling particularly commenty and there's something I have to attend to, so I can't say anything else in response to this entry or your PM ATM.


though I am jealous of that ingenious name and am going to steal it for my own use kthxbai.

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Kay, over the entire course of Night Ride, did I ever once just outright say something about the Night Run's moral beliefs? No? Exactly. Now look at what I just said about the DR and let your mind be blown. B)


But yeah; the introduction you posted was cool, bro. Definitely a cool story, bro. B) You should definitely re/enter it in next month's RPG Contest (OMG ONLY A WEEK LEFT TILL IT STARTS! :o)

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