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New Call Of Duty Fps Confirmed For Late 2011

Kevin Owens


Today, Activision Blizzard issued a better-than-expected earnings report in which it announced a $51 million quarterly profit. In a conference call with analysts afterward, executives revealed further details on the publisher's future plans.


One detail that was revealed was that the Call of Duty series will once again have a fresh first-person installment late next year. "We will launch a new first-person action title during the back half of 2011," Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said. This sentiment was later echoed by Activision COO Thomas Tippl, who said that "Next year's Call of Duty will be a first-person shooter."


The executives did not name the game or which studio was developing it. A likely suspect is Modern Warfare 3, which court documents identified as being in development at Infinity Ward as of May. That same month, Activision said the studio, which had lost over 35 members following the firing of its founders in March, continued to work on its "next big project."


A second Call of Duty is also in the works from newly formed studio Sledgehammer Games. Though Activision has said this title would take the Call of Duty series into the action adventure genre, a May job listing indicated it would also be a first-person shooter. Activision has not said when the Sledgehammer title will be released, but said it was not the unnamed COD project slated for next year--presumably Modern Warfare 3.


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Sad news is, my moronic friends will buy it, and think this one will be better than sliced bread (just like they thought W@W would be... and MW2... and Black Ops), and still believe that good graphics=good game.



And then there's the kids who think that the Tar-21 was developed in Russia, and the Desert Eagle in the US (here's the thing, though, they were both developed in Israel). And don't get me started on this kid who, no lie, really thought you could respawn in the military.



Well, who's laying down money on this one's release date? $10 says 11/11/11.

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Sad news is, my moronic friends will buy it, and think this one will be better than sliced bread (just like they thought W@W would be... and MW2... and Black Ops), and still believe that good graphics=good game.



And then there's the kids who think that the Tar-21 was developed in Russia, and the Desert Eagle in the US (here's the thing, though, they were both developed in Israel). And don't get me started on this kid who, no lie, really thought you could respawn in the military.



Well, who's laying down money on this one's release date? $10 says 11/11/11.



Am I right? Heaven forbid that people enjoy a videogame.

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They aren't allowed to enjoy a highly overrated video game series with a new game out every year and keep asking me if I've boughten the new one yet.

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Eh, I don't have plans for it (or Black Ops), primarily because my internet connection through my Xbox is pretty bad as is, and playing games online is nearly impossible without a ton of problems.


Makes me sad that I can't put in Gears2 and go crazy with it; that series has a bit of a nostalgia-call for me.

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also Call of duty multiplayer hasn't been good since mw2 exploits

seems like a pretty roundabout way of saying that Black Ops has bad multiplayer

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