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Mm... He was pretty good, up until the very end when he got busy and couldn't move stuff along as quickly. But for the most part it wasn't terribly bad.


But yeah; I'd absolutely LOVE to finish the ToS RPG, since I still don't know who that frozen guy Kovian found in Tsukan's palace was. >> We should totally badger him (though it's unlikely he'd want to do it; he's probably too busy. DX)

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If I'm one of the GMs that's vanished, profuse apologies. I've been rather busy lately, and to top it off I'm going on a trip the day after tomorrow and won't be back online pretty much at all until the 20th, at which point I will do my best to catch up in RotR.
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Wut? No; I'm talking about Exo and Seraphim -- both of them won RPG Contest 19 and both of them disappeared around the middle of last month, and as such both of their games are pretty much snailing along right now.

Which, considering that the same wouldn't have happened with me had I won (which I REALLY wanted to,) makes me the slightest bit irritated with the RPG Forum's current state. Not to mention that all of the hype Crossroads and Magnum Opus generated was essentially for nothing.


Believe me -- if I had a gripe with you or GLaDOS I would tell it to you straight up. As it stands things are going pretty well and I don't have a reason to complain about anything. :P

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