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Ye Pm Me Numbers



PM me a number and I will tell you what I think about you on my blog with your number so you will know it's about you.


3.14159 You're a pretty cool guy but a creeper.


3.14159265 If I told you who picked 3.14159 you wouldn't not believe me.


7 I honestly don't know you or have a mental block. Sorry.


8 You are a cat. Yes a curious cat. The alley cat I don't know very well.


⑨ You are beautiful in every single way.


Eleventy-twelve Singlehandedly the coolest cat ever. We have to hang more at BrickFair next year.


33 I don't know you very well, but I want to! Mario and Pokemon are awesome things we could talk about.


40 Number 34 should be your number but you picked 40. Man, you and the dancing, don't even get me started on the girls. I kid, you're cool when you aren't trying to kill someone with broken plastic spoons.


42 You're going to grow up and be amazing. It was nice meeting you at BrickFair, yes I'm Sisen. :P


46 Dude, I looked up to you so much as a member. I miss the days when I'd pester you about signature violations. I can't remember the last time we chatted, but those were the days!


47 I hardly know you. :P But anyone who likes moose is fine by me. Being soft and cuddly is nice too.


75.7 If you like him, and he likes you... Don't let time pass you by!


86 I don't have your fever and I'm not a fan of you. Oh you mean you, you, not your member name you. I think you could do with a better name.


108 I remember seeing your member name before now so that's a plus. It looks like a lot of our interest are similar. Born in the same month too. :P


117 I miss our time together Kyle, I really really truly do.


413 I spelled your name wrong before and now that it is something simpler I can't type it here. I don't really know what to think of you other than the Pokemon topic which is pretty chool.


1107 What can I say? You think you know a person, but I can look past that.


1111 Oh hey you're that one dude from BrickFair behind the tables.


10000.55 A name I know, but the person I don't. I read your reports and posts!



72758874658726587212847581621610860268724650876402 Your number is as confusing as your names.


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It ain't that easy, man. ;_;


The whole point is it is anonymous. I can say who it is not, but no one will say who it is.

Ah but if you are beaten to the point where you say everyone who it is not, then there will only be left the one who it is. :P

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I've know it isn't easy... We should probably stop or your number will become obvious. >_<


I am not going to say "not ..." to 46329 members. :P

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