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Voyage Of The Dawn Treader




Well, the Sea Serpent was at least. My favorite villain in the entire Narnia series... DONE SO PERFECTLY. He's like, so evil and amazing. He's much more then a toying around animal as was seen the the book. OH OH OH I love it soo much :happy:


I DEMAND EVERY ONE OF YOU TO WATCH THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW. Or else Reepicheep might just gut you.



Night Fury


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I don't see why people hate when they add stuff to the movies that's not in the books. They kinda need to, to make it more interesting. If you have a problem with it then you shouldn't watch it.

No, actually, this is very untrue. If you make a movie off a book, it is always of a successful book. And if the book sold well by itself, the story must obviously interesting enough to make it into a movie without mangling it beyond belief.


The reason why I hate movies like that is because you feel cheated by the end of it. It's like they wanted to do a story but was not sure that it would take off, so they slapped the characters and setting of an existing franchise on to get the fans of said book to watch it. They want to have an "instant audience", and as such it is wrong when a movie doesn't serve the original material justice.


Anyhow, I saw it today. It was pretty good; better than Prince Caspian, but I guessed it still just...lacked something.


I don't know...the first film, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, was just about perfect and remains one of my favorite movies to this day. However, with this movie, I think they just strayed too far away.


For instance: the whole plot of the movie was changed. In the original book, the Voyage was meant to find the seven lords, as well as discover what was there in the Eastern Sea. However, this whole plot about the "Dark Island" and finding the seven swords to save the world was just too much. It honestly reminded me of a video game's plot, specifically the Legend of Zelda. You sail on a ship to distant islands (Hyrule in Wind Waker) to find lost friends (Aryll) as well as several pieces of an artifact (Triforce) that will drive away a dark evil (Ganon) on an island (Link's Awakening) that manifests itself in different forms (Ganon's "Final Form"). There's even the shapeshifting princess (Midna), a human that gets turned into a beast (Werewolf Link), and so on.


Now, I'm not saying that VotDT ripped off Zelda or anything, as that's clearly not the case seeing the time and genre difference. However, what I'm trying to say here was that the new plot seemed more like a video game than anything else.


The problem with Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader is that they're trying to keep with the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe's theme of liberating and saving Narnia. The problem with that, is that the storyline for each of the stories are dependent on different themes. With Prince Caspian, C.S. Lewis stated that he wanted it to have a "returning and changing" theme, to mimic what some children experienced when they returned from boarding school or when some of the soldiers came back from the war: a sort of "same yet not the same". And with Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the theme was supposed to be exploration and adventure.


The problem with this is that the movie directors either didn't know this or were stuck in a very narrow-mindset approach to making movies. "If it worked before, it should work again", they say, and then change the plot and theme of each book to mimic the first one, which ruins it.


Now, the movie did have some good points with it's artistic license, though. For instance, Lucy's desire to be more beautiful like her sister was more emphasized, but all it did was amplify the book's points, so that was good. Also, Edmund's annoyance at always being "second fiddle" was very well played, although I wish they had explored it a bit more.


Also, I must say I appreciate the director keeping the "other name" line by Aslan at the end of the movie. I was originally afraid that they would not include that, but they did, so that's good.


I just wish that one of these days they would make the movies actually follow the book, like the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe did. It's a shame, because this was Narnia's last chance on the silver screen. With opening figures looking as they are, we probably won't get Silver Chair or any of the other books. :(



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Eustice IS a brat XD That's how he is for a long time until his character develops.


Not: If this gets any more argumentish, I'll close this thread.


Night Fury

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Just going to interject here about the content of the post.


Isn't Reepicheep a mouse? Don't I command over 9000 octagons? I'm safe to not watch it without fear of getting gutted now.

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