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I learned a valuable lesson on Super Bowl Sunday:


Never... EVER... tell a group of total Halo fanatics that you have never played Halo or Halo 2 before. They will more than likely run you out of town and try to behead you with their Xbox 360 controllers.


Same goes for Final Fantasy and the Wii. Except they'll kill you with Playstation controllers and the cool white sticks. ><


*rubs bruises on top of head*




Hey, look, I've finally shown my sorry face in the forums again! Life has been really really busy as of late, and I haven't had any time to do anything here, besides glance at the news every Saturday.


This lack of time has brought me to the decision to shut down my requests list for my art topic. I do NOT have the time right now to even work on my own projects. I'm sure, eventually, I'll be able to bring it back up, but for now, it'll be closed.


I'm just glad that my art topic isn't totally dead right now. ^^;;


*goes out to play in the lovely snow*




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*Gets run out of town and beheaded.*


Ooh, and nice song over there. That's "The Only Thing Worse Than Beating a Dead Horse Is Betting On One," right? Sounds like it. You can tell from the total lack of references to horses.


And who can help but love those Relient K titles?




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Nope. Too violent of a game to be used in my household.



Fair enough. I myself get scared sometimes, but it's all fun. =D

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Ooh, and nice song over there. That's "The Only Thing Worse Than Beating a Dead Horse Is Betting On One," right? Sounds like it. You can tell from the total lack of references to horses.


And who can help but love those Relient K titles?





Their completly off-the-topic titles are what makes them one of my more favorite bands. ;)


You're lucky that you get lovely snow.... W'e got hard melting slush.


Ours is all shiny and glittery and crunches under your feet. Haha. :P


I'm to nice to bludgeon someone with any kind of controller. =]


Game controllers are also not built to be weapons of mass murder. Well... not real-life mass murder.



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I played Halo once... for about 5 minutes. I was at my school's Latin Club Lock-in, and Lyichir was in the bathroom, so I took the controller he had been using. I wasn't any good anyway :( .


I've never owned a non-Nintendo console, though (unless PC counts), so I haven't really had much of a chance.


- :vahi:

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Oh you want to get slaughtered then let it be public knowledge that you played it and didn't like it. :annoyed2: Some people take video games waaay too seriously. People need to stop getting angry because others don't like a certain game or system. [/majorhypocrisy]


Remember though, you're lucky. All we've gotten in terms of snow is a few flurries. Make sure to enjoy the snow while it lasts. That stupid global warming is trying to take it away from us. :(


- :m::a::r::k:

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*Gets run out of town and beheaded.*


Ooh, and nice song over there. That's "The Only Thing Worse Than Beating a Dead Horse Is Betting On One," right? Sounds like it. You can tell from the total lack of references to horses.


And who can help but love those Relient K titles?




Yep she telling the truth. A couple days ago she asked me about Halo. :P

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I'm kind of deprived about games too, I played a bit of Halo/Halo 2 at a friends once and it is OK. My friends are bugging me to buy it but I told them I am not allowed to play rated M games, and a lot of people think that is the weirdest thing, but tis the truth.

But sometimes I get away with playing games of the sort like that, and parents sometime don't mind. Like for example I got Farcry, fun game but bloody.


Sorry about that art topic problem, but totally understable, even if the requester will love it, it's hard on the artist and also a bit frustrating when you are doing it for free. No offence to the requesters of course, it is fun to draw, but takes time.


I hope you can get active agian, the same thing was happening to me a few months ago, but now I finally have time to get on and do things I enjoy.

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I don't even play Xbox. I PLAY PLAYSTATION 2! PLAYSTATION 2 RULZ ALL OF YOUR LIVEZZZZZZZZZ!!!! [/foamingmouth]


Ookay... I would also say...


[foamingmouth]I WILL OWN YOU ALL ON NEED FOR SPEED: CARBONNNNNN!!!!!!![/foamingmouth]


Ookay... Now that that's done...


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I don't even play Xbox. I PLAY PLAYSTATION 2! PLAYSTATION 2 RULZ ALL OF YOUR LIVEZZZZZZZZZ!!!! [/foamingmouth]


Ookay... I would also say...


[foamingmouth]I WILL OWN YOU ALL ON NEED FOR SPEED: CARBONNNNNN!!!!!!![/foamingmouth]


Ookay... Now that that's done...



NFS: Carbon is a blast. Though the Xbox 360 version is total ownage cause of Xbox Live. :P


And as far as violence in Halo games go, it seems tame when compared to something like Gears of War or GTA. Believe, when it comes to video game violence, Halo is actually on the low end of the M rated games. I'm not even totally sure why it gets an M rating sometimes, after all, bodies remain intact and blood sprays out. I've seen dismemberment and blood in Teen rated games before. :blink:


Ew, NFS Carbon is the sucks.


What every happened to the good old' NFS Porsche Unleashed days. ;_;

IMO, NFS: Carbon is the best modern Need for Speed game. I've dreaded most new NFS games since Underground. I think NFS: Most Wanted started to bring the series back some, but Carbon ultimately tops it. The addition of Muscle Cars and the Autosculpt feature earn some bonus points. I don't think Carbon somes close to the old NFS games though. Hot Pursuit FTW.


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