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Arizona: Day One



So, while driving to Portland to go to our cousin's for a bit and wait for our flight, we stop at McDonald's for some breakfast.


I never realized how bad American McDonalds were before.


Anyway, my cousin got a pet bearded dragon, (like me!) and also a chameleon. The chameleon is awesome and now I want one.


On the way to Portland and on the plane, we watched season one of Chuck, which is an amazingly awesome show which I just started watching. We'll be watching season 2 on the way back.


Nothing eventful at the airport.


When we finally got out of the airport, I didn't realize it would smell so sandy. The desert is awesome.


Also, American intersections suck almost as much as McDonalds. We were at a light and literally no one was moving on all four sides.


Also, you have commercials for books. What's up with that?




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Just goes to show that Americans watch too much TV, we need TV to get us to read!


McDonalds is horrid period, but yes, it seems worse in the US, stupid untrained teenagers!


And Americans are always bad drivers. :P


Bearded Dragon? So you go on a Christmaz trip and buy a pet, how do you plan on taking care of it?


Chameleons are cool. :)



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>I never realized how bad American McDonalds were before.

Fast food sucks. This is a rule that applies anywhere in the solar system.


>American intersections suck almost as much as McDonalds. We were at a light and literally no one was moving on all four sides.

I hate this too. Just how hard is it to press the gas? Difficult for people who are trying to talk on cell phones, text, shave, brush their teeth, comb their hair, eat cereal, or pet their cat while driving.


>You have commercials for books. What's up with that?

I have never seen this, nor do I understand it, nor ever will.

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