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Rubber Bands



I need more Lego rubber bands.


I've been rebuilding some of my older Titan sets, ranging through the various Rahi I now own. But as I pulled out rubber bands, they kept breaking. And I can understand why; they're roughly ten years old and have had a lot of use. But the thing is, how do I replace them? I could go order them online I suppose from some Lego enthusiast, but even then the types I'm looking for are gonna be a decade old, and while plastic parts don't degrade over time, I've found that rubber bands do.


So, what would be the best way to find replacements or substitutes for rubber bands for Lego sets like the Rahi? Because, as cool as functional sets are, they don't work as well without rubber band elastic action. :(




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Nobody ever has enough Lego rubber bands. My Bahrag always complain about that.


As do my Muaka and Kane-Ra. I really have no clue what you should do here :/ I went out and bought some non-lego rubber bands as replacements, but they didn't fit so well.

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I've found that I only really have this trouble with my Rahi. The new (relatively speaking) bands they used on the likes of the Bohrok and Bahrag don't seem to perish as badly. If you can get hold of some of those they should do you

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