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Hero Factory 2011 Winter Sets Review

Brappy Hour


WARNING: This review has a good amount of nitpicking. Please don't take my opinion too seriously.



The Heroes were a mixed bag of hits and misses. How about positives first? I thought that the personal armor decals were a cool idea, and I like the new armor and how they connect to the new joints. I think what everyone is most excited about is the return of the color Purple. Which we haven't seen since 2001. The weapons seemed weird to me. Shields with spikes and tubes? Alright. Breez and Surge are the only two heroes with two hands. Another things that I'm wondering is why the heads and Hero Cores aren't see through anymore. It's kinda saddening to see them go. The headgear doesn't seem necessary, especially when you can't even recognize Breez as a Female anymore. My biggest problem is the random armor placement. This is probably the most random armor placement I've ever seen. My guess is that someone complained so much about how uniform the sets were, and how the Heroes in 2010 looked the same that designers thought. "You want diversity? You got it!", and slapped different armor all over the place. So the only Hero we have that looks close to subtle is Stormer. One more thing is that there's little poseability with the shield weapons. The biggest problem is Furno's right arm. You can't move it up. You have to twist it around to where you can't see the decal anymore. Who thought that was a good idea?



Pretty silly names, but interesting ideas I suppose. They look fun and cool on the box, but sadly there's more to these sets then meets the eye. First of all these Villains aren't even close to being as cool as the 2010 Villains. All of them are a mixture of red, black, silver, and gunmetal gray. Not really any new or interesting weapons. Just claws and flames jutting out of armor. New armor and evil Hero cores I guess, are sprinkled all over. Plus for some reason the Thornax Launcher has been resurrected once again as the Magma Blaster. Nitroblast and Drilldozer have two arms that make just one arm. Not only is this unnecessary, but it limits the one arms movement. The new heads are double sided too, so I guess if you wanted to make different villains in other colors you could. Nitroblast, like Furo has a arm that is unposeable. Armor just covers it in a way that it barley moves.

So yeah. The villains this winter kinda suck. Jet Bug's alright though.


Fire Lord:

Why does every head boss of any LEGO action figure series have to be black? Makuta, Lord Valdek, Von Nebula, and now Fire Lord. Just armor on the side of the legs, and big spot left on the front. No new weapons, and badly placed armor. Probably the worst Titan set ever.


These new sets seem almost like a joke. I know LEGO can do better than this. I guess they were just testing out how the new joints and armor would work for kids and builders. I just wish they wouldn't have done it this way. It seems that these sets were made for MOCers more than kids or collectors. What with all the new parts and colors.


I don't hate the new sets, I had fun building them like I always have building LEGO and are posing them as I'm writing this review. I'm just disappointed. They look good (most of them), but that doesn't mean they play or pose good. I hope that the summer sets will be a step up from this.


Thanks for reading.


Recommended Comments

I agree with the bringing back purple being a good idea and jetbug being the only decent looking one. Villains should be black so they can blend with the shadows and watch you. It'd be awkward if the main villain was bright blue eh? He couldn't sneak around and be evil.

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I agree with the bringing back purple being a good idea and jetbug being the only decent looking one. Villains should be black so they can blend with the shadows and watch you. It'd be awkward if the main villain was bright blue eh? He couldn't sneak around and be evil.

Actually, black is not a good choice for blending in with darkness. You stand out more, in fact, when dressed in all black. Dark Blue is the best choice for moving at night/in shadow.

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