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So, Uh..



I don't know why I'm bothering to write this, since anyone who might have happened to read my blog has probably stopped checking. But eh.


Firstly: I never asked out that girl. At first because I was too nervous, and then later because I've been having feelings for someone else lately (only I can't have feelings for her). In any case, I blew it.


Second: The past month and a half has been terrible. And it's also been incredible. If there's one thing it's always been, though, it's busy..I wish I could describe it, but I think most of it would conflict with the rules on this website. Point is that I've cried for someone, laughed more than I ever have in my life, and loved my friends even more for everything we've all been through since this summer. I've lost a bad friend, but I've made a best friend that likes being around me as much as I like being around her. I've said and done things that I regret now, but if I had the opportunity to change anything that's happened, I wouldn't. Because everything is perfect the way it is now, and I wouldn't change that for the world.


Recent events have also had a very positive effect on my songwriting. :P I'm getting better, I think.


So this must be it - welcome to the new year.


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And welcome to the new year right back, Javi. I've actually been wondering why there have been no entries from you in a while.


I'm glad that life's working out as it should-- with its ups and downs, and with its unpredictability.


Also, @songwriting:I'll bet you've already surpassed me; all I can ever seem to write is parodies, and rather bad ones at that.

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And welcome to the new year right back, Javi. I've actually been wondering why there have been no entries from you in a while.


I'm glad that life's working out as it should-- with its ups and downs, and with its unpredictability.


Also, @songwriting:I'll bet you've already surpassed me; all I can ever seem to write is parodies, and rather bad ones at that.


Yeah..there's actually been one thing on my mind that I could have blogged about..but I feel like a terrible person for it. :P And odds are most people would agree with me on that.


It's how things go, isn't it? Makes you wonder what's coming next, even worry a bit..


I've been writing songs for three years now. :P I'd suggest writing an original piece, even if it's terrible..that's the only way to start. Then just keep writing, and eventually you'll improve. I didn't write a song I actually liked until last January..and after that one, my songs really started to get better.

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