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Synesthesia Support Group

Synesthesia   Does anyone have this or know people who do? Up until I was twelve, I thought I was the only one, but then I read about it in a book and I realized that other people think just like I do. I think I'm the only person in my family to have it, but my dad says he has it a little -- not to the extent that I do, though.   In particular, I have Ordinal linguistic personification and Grapheme–color synesthesia.   I recommend you read (or skim) the Wikipedia articles I've linked and th




I have slept for so long.   My dreams have been dark ones.   But now I am awakened.   Now the scattered elements of my being are rejoined.   Now I am whole.   And the darkness cannot stand before me.



Gaming PC Advice?

Hey technically-inclined people of this strange corner of the internet,   I'm in the market for a good gaming PC. Like, a really good one. Like one that will play Skyrim on Ultra with no loading time. But I have no idea where to start looking.   Got any recommendations?   Also, I'm incredibly lazy, so building it myself will never happen.



How I'd Do Bionicle Gen 3

If Lego put me in charge of doing a solid Bionicle Gen 3 reboot, I'd worldbuild the new island around the theme of renewable energy. It'd be easy to divide by element, and who wouldn't want a generation of youth imagining a cleaner planet?   The setup would be that you've got these robots living on a tropical island with these jury-rigged energy capturing devices that help power their meager villages. Kind of like a rural Star Wars planet.   Ta-Koro: Geo thermal. Village built by a volcano.



Shooting Games

Why do shooting games always need to be so graphic? Why can't they make a shooting game where your enemies don't explode into a massive sea of blood, body parts flying haphazardly as they cry in sheer anguish for death's sweet embrace?   I like killing imaginary video game characters as much as the next guy, but why do games have to try to inflict war veteran post-traumatic stress disorder upon me? I'm into things being realistic and all, but what happened to playing games for fun?



SPIRIT's Super Accurate Totally Legit Personality Test

Now before I begin, I should state that I am not trained as a psychologist. However I have taken like 3.5 courses in psychology, and I am an incredibly judgmental person, so I think that's just as good.   The science behind this super accurate and totally legitimate personality test is that I judge people based on their favourite colour. So think of what your favourite colour is and look at the list below to see what your results are!   ----- Results Blue: You weak and watery milquetoa



Tales from Speech Therapy

So this one kid I'm working with is 9.  He has a lot of difficulty saying vocalic /r/ (e.g. car, stir, bear, deer, etc.), but we've made some big strides in the last few months.  He's also a major bookworm.  Magic Treehouse, Minecraft novelizations... if you think a nine year old would read it, he's read it.  Often we'll read passages from his favourite books and practice some good vocalic /r/ sounds.  Today, to my surprise, he's waiting for me on the stairs clutching a familiar red book...



Asynchronous Eyebrow Movement

Just wanted to do a mini survey to figure out if raising one eyebrow is really as difficult as people say it is. Can you do it? Can you move both your eyebrows independently of one another? I've been able to for as long as I can remember and it absolutely amazes some people (granted, there are some people out there who don't know how to wink and I just feel sorry for them).   So yeah, in a similar vein, what other "party tricks" can you do? Vulcan salute? Ear wiggling? Nostril flaring? A



Dear J. R. R. Tolkien

Dear J.R.R. Tolkien,   Stop giving your characters so many names. It's confusing, annoying, pointless, and it makes me not want to read your books. If his name is Aragorn, just call him Aragorn; none of this Son of Arathorn, Dúnadan, Longshanks, Strider, Wingfoot, Elessar Telcontar, Envinyatar, Estel, or Throngil nonsense. You pick a name and you stick with it. He maybe gets one or two other names, but this is ridiculous.   And another thing. What's with giving the two main villains essen



What's So Great About Avatar?

I hope that got your attention.   I saw the movie about a month ago and I have a fairly neutral opinion of it. Sure there was a lot of impressive CGI and stuff, but for some reason I'm not seeing how it became the number one selling movie of all time or why I keep hearing about people desperately wishing to go to Pandora.   I can pretty much trace this back to the sense of nausea the 3D effects of the movie induced in me, so as impartially as you can, I'd appreciate hearing what exactly it is



My New Baby

For scale that's a 43' TV right next to it.   And yes, I will be getting a stand, but it won't arrive until next week.



If I had a million dollars...

SPIRIT: Excuse me, sir. How much did you pay for that fedora?   Person: Why, I paid twenty dollars for it. Why do you ask?   SPIRIT: *takes fedora and throws it in the nearest waste receptacle* Here's twenty bucks. Buy yourself LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.     I think for the most part we've managed to quell the fedora outbreak, but there are still a few stragglers out there who need to be dealt with before we're safe altogether.   While I'm raising funds for this project, I'm also taking ideas



How to Improve your Facebook Timeline

Hello friends.   If you're anything like me, you use Facebook for three things:   1) To stalk people (let's be real, that's why the website exists) 2) To stay in the loop 3) To message people   Notice how "read stupid articles and dank memes" was not on that list?     For quite some time now, I've been getting pretty sick of seeing dumb posts on Facebook. "So and So shared this dumb article on veganism", "What's her Face was tagged by a friend in this poorly made Vine", "Oh look, another post s




Pope Gregory XIII was a doofus as was Julius Caesar. Did they not foresee the importance of a logical calendar in a technological society? Here are some changes I would make if given supreme dictatorial power over the Free World.   1) New calendar starts the day after the winter solstice (i.e. the winter solstice is the last day of the year). The days start off short, get long, and once they're short again we start a new year. I could compromise by going with the summer solstice or one of th



Pokémon Gen V English Names

Yeah, they were up for a few minutes today, but "the Man" wanted them taken down. Luckily, SPIRIT snagged them before they vanished. The first word is their English name and the second word is their Pokedex species in Italian... for reasons I won't go into. Enjoy.   * Victini Vittoria 0,4 m 4,0 kg * Snivy Serperba 0,6 m 8,1 kg * Servine Serperba 0,8 m 16,0 kg * Serperior Regale 3,3 m 63,0 kg * Tepig Suinfuoco 0,5 m 9,9 kg * Pignite Suinfuoco 1,0 m 55,5 kg *



My Little Pony Fad: Explained

Some of you manly men might wonder why My Little Pony has exploded onto the male-dominated Internet. Allow me to explain in relatable terms:   Remember that episode of Arthur where everyone starts watching the Love Ducks? This is that.   On that note:     That is all.



Make the Internet Great Again!

Hey guys, important PSA.   The Internet is a pretty awful place. Tons of people yelling into the void, and I can't stop reading it all for some reason. So I'm asking all citizens of the Internet to do their part in making it a better place. It's not an easy task, but I think if we all take small steps, we can see some real change.   Remember how as a society we decided not to do chain email forwarding? I mean, that did just morph into tagging people in the comments sections of random Faceboo



YouTube Rant

So I’m a productive adult. I’ve got a job and friends and things are pretty good when you average everything out. I’m entitled to a little mindless television every now and then. But, as a major cheapskate millennial and someone who hates media commitments because of how seriously he takes them, I don’t have TV so I just bum around watching cruddy YouTube videos in my recommended videos feed to opiate my brain from a long day of thinking and worry.   And here’s what grinds my gears, what get



The Last Will and Testament of SPIRIT

If I die, please don't let anyone make a cheesy Facebook status about me -- especially years after the fact. I mean, I'll accept an online death announcement, but nothing more.   Maybe a statue in a park, but that's it!   I just can't stand the thought of someone else getting fake internet points from my death. It's outrageous, disrespectful, and it cheapens my life to appear associated with the kind of person who does that. No one wants to read about how so-and-so was your best friend, and y



Canada Turns 150

All countries are now the Pokémon whose Pokédex number matches their age.   Who will win in a fight?



Like a Boss

Well, I was under the impression that BZP was in a coma but apparently it's not.  Who knew? So life's been really interesting recently.  I quit my job to start my own business and now ain't nobody tellin me to do nothing. It is both very stressful and very exciting.  Let's have a race to see which happens first: my business becoming solvent or BZP coming back to life.



LEAKED Bionicle 2015 Video Game Screenshots!

Guys   I think I found some LEAKED SCREENSHOTS from an upcoming video game based on Bionicle 2015!   Here's Skull Basher and here's Skull Warrior. I'll post more if I find any. Should I report this to the BZP news?     My thoughts:   It's cool and all that Lego is making video games again, but I really don't see this one being that successful. Certainly not the sort of thing I would spend 424 hours playing.



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