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Thoughts on Pokemon Go

Toa Smoke Monster


Over the last few weeks, Pokemon Go has basically taken over whatever country it has been released in. There have been numerous stories that have been caused by the game. Everything from people snooping behind police stations to people falling off 100 foot cliffs to people even finding dead bodies! And those aren't even the craziest stories people have from playing this game.


I started playing the game last week, around the time I went to Las Vegas. I had a lot of time to play the game at night while I was there, and I will say that I like the game a lot. I really like the idea of walking around, finding random Pokemon, and catching them by throwing Pokeballs at them. It's simple, but still a lot of fun!


I also think its neat that actual locations are used for you to get items and set up lures where you can attract different Pokemon. I also like that any of the Pokemon in the game can appear to be captured. I was walking around one of those nights in Vegas and I found a level 306 Arcanine in a lure spot. That is something that would never happen in one of the cartridge games! Though if the Pokemon is rare enough, something

could happen.


But the best thing about the game IMO is that it gives people an incentive to go exploring and meet other people. I've read stories of people with different backgrounds coming together, sharing stories and experiences, and just having fun with the game. I think that is cool. Plus, it gives people a reason to go for walks. I personally don't exercise at all, because I simply just don't want to. :P But since I got the game, I've done a lot of walking. I actually took a walk through my whole neighborhood the day of this entry, looking for Pokemon and getting steps in to hatch some Pokemon eggs. I haven't walked through my neighborhood in years! (Even though its a small neighborhood, but that's beside the point.)


Is the game perfect? No. I do think the egg system could be better. Having to have your phone on a certain screen for your steps to count to hatching is kind of troublesome. But overall I really enjoy the game and will continue to play it for the foreseeable future.


What do you guys think of the game? And what team did you choose? I chose Team Instinct, but only because I think Zapdos is an awesome Legendary Pokemon. B-)


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I loooove it! Gives me something to do on my commute, gives me a reason to explore my neighborhood, and spend more time outside.

Today I went on my first real pokemon hunt; after work a bunch of us hopped in a car, went to a park with a lot of great pokemon, and spent at least an hour or two just walking in circles, interacting with the dozens of other people there playing, battling the local gym, getting laughed at by two guys on a bench who were dominating that gym, and catching lots and lots of Charmanders and some cool rarer pokemon. It was a blast! I used to play Ingress before Pokemon GO was a thing, and I didn't have nearly as much fun.

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I'm enjoying it. I tend to go on walks anyway but getting the game has gotten me to branch out and follow longer and more varied routes. My area's not a bad one for playing either, considering it's filled with historical markers that function as Pokéstops. Unfortunately, the recent heat wave has taken a toll on my activity.


I'm Team Mystic, by the way.

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