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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2014 in Blog Entries

  1. Okay, maybe this is old news, but I was looking through Boston Dynamics' videos on YouTube, and I came across this thing: It's a freaking humanoid robot with a (kind of) spherical upper torso with a blue eye thing in it. It's even called Atlas. I am now convinced these people are turning into Aperture Science.
    4 points
  2. long live ambage you'll be in our hearts 4ever
    3 points
  3. Yeah... finally made a blog. Blame Letagi.
    1 point
  4. I'm starting to get an idea together, but I want to run it by you guys first. Take a look: -Titled "Technic Warzone" -Fighters have a stat total of 12 by default. The sponsor can allocate another 8 when they start sponsoring. (Thank you, Pulsating Explosive!) -Trainers will be removed altogether. -Stat boost items will have explicit fixed values. (1 for most, 3 for “large boost”) The Golden Kanohi and Staff of Mind Reading will be removed. -Champions still get a free item. The reigning Champion for each season will be given an extra stat point that the sponsor can give to whichever stat they choose, but this stat point will go away when the next tournament comes around. -Upgrades provide abilities, but no stat boost. They will also be reduced in price to 20,000 W. -Players now begin with 25,000 W. I am also introducing a Widget limit of 75,000 W. -Player list will be put in a blog post with Widget counts, items, and the fighters they sponsor -A new item or upgrade will be introduced that will allow the sponsor to redistribute the 8 bonus stat points. -Play will be divided into three types: regular Coliseum play, which will be mostly the same; Tournament play, which will be pretty similar to how it is now (no stat redistribution, since we have the new stat system should fix that, but we will have an item limit); and a new type... -Warzone: A brutal game of chance that resets every Friday. Players will state that they wish for their fighter to attack another fighter (be specific), and I’ll roll a die. If you get a 1, your target dies and is eliminated from this week’s Warzone; anything else, they live. When your fighter dies (or when the Warzone is reset at the end of the week), you receive 5,000 W for every fighter you successfully eliminated. Even if you’re inactive, your fighter will still be an eligible target! (If you know ahead of time that you will be inactive for an extended period of time, please inform me and I will grant your fighter Warzone immunity for the requested amount of time.) -There may be some items to affect Warzone play, still working on it. Also, if you sponsor multiple fighters, you will only be able to target one fighter at a time, and you will receive fewer Widgets per kill (since you are essentially surviving multiple hits). Any thoughts?
    1 point
  5. I showed my sisters freind a picture of what appeared to be a doctor who corn maze. Me: look at this! Freind: wow! That's amazing! Me: Ha! aMAZEing? And than we high fived and laughed and nobody else gets and and it was awesome.
    1 point
  6. If someone advertises that they are selling "Bionicles", it's probably a really, really good deal. I just got like.... $80 worth of sets, masks and parts from a kid off Craigslist for $25. Yesssssssss Also I just went to a local convention (RadCon) and made a tail. Wore it with my steampunk stuff BECAUSE REASONS. It was fun. There were a surprising number of fursuiters (I live in a pretty medium-size town, not a whole lot of strangeness), some of which were dancing at the rave, which is insane and I give them enormous props.
    1 point
  7. I may have bought the Biznis Kitty figure for this exact purpose. But probably not. (No, not really, I need all the kitties.)
    1 point
  8. 1. SPACE PIMP 2. Shaquille O'Neal That's it, there's no 3-10; everyone go home now
    1 point
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