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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2015 in Blog Comments

  1. I can't think of an exact combination off the top of my head. I would think it'd be some experimental pizza using an odd combination of ingredients which, on their own, are pretty good but when they come together they're kinda bleh. As for the others: Skull Warrior is peperoni, a little borning but a classic. Skull Basher is Hawaiian, a bit different but still an acceptable favorite. Skull Slicer is like a bit of everything, which sounds good but then it turns out to be pretty messy when you get the end product. Skull Grinder is cheesy bread, you're only ordering him because he comes with the Mask of Creation.
    7 points
  2. Just a pizza with scorpions on top. Duh.
    6 points
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. That would be quite impossible, as the first one is a Giraffititan(=Brachiosaurus), while the other is an Apatosaurus(=Brontosaurus). They're not even the same genus, let alone the same individual.
    1 point
  6. I dislike the culture that permeates most fandoms. Bronies have much bigger problems, though.
    1 point
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