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Edward Elrric

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Everything posted by Edward Elrric

  1. I hear alot of bad things about it

  2. Blacke Six did it I was just talking about how much I'll hate middle school

  3. gusse what just happend Black six just messed with one of my post

  4. remeber after you set a post it tells you that a moderator will chek your post

  5. Im 11 but one of the moderator messed it up

  6. No I didint i tlack about how much i hated school some one messed with me

  7. sorry if thats to personal

  8. Just a random question

  9. Whats your real name

  10. nice drawings you make them

  11. okay and what dose pm you mean

  12. thanks for viewing my channel

  13. Thanks for the welcome and who dosnt iggy456 scare.

  14. now im really scard

  15. That Pikachu photo is going to give me nightmars.

  16. Thank you for your greeting.

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