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Biokid The Toa of Fire

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Status Updates posted by Biokid The Toa of Fire

  1. my favorite kamen rider is len. y'know who he is??

    *Final vent*

  2. You didn't shoot me!!! Hey, what are those red dots all around me. I'm sorry I'm experiencing painful injuries please leave a message after the tone.

  3. I didn't look behind me budd And I won't cuz j'm lyin'on the floor

  4. don't alarm the other members though. only if it is an emergency. which this is not.

  5. don't alarm the other members though. only if it is an emergency. which this is not.

  6. yes he is an enemy. please help me fight him

  7. Have you ever watched Kamen Rider Dragon Knight?

  8. What you don't like ice cream?

  9. Hey TTOA!! Just thought i'd say hi. By the way, can you help me hunt down this one member called "Zev Rare groove"? Thanks!!

  10. Kamen Rider Decade, You're AWESOME!!!!!! Please don't reply.

  11. No it isn't. period. the end. Ok, please tell your friends about my superheroe and bionicle clan.

  12. I'm starting a superheroe and bionicle clan to rival a makuta clan I will be the leader. This comment is directed to Iron Makal

  13. yeah, i like that much better. if you're wondering why there are no capitals in this sentence it is because i am typing with 1 hand

  14. I like it better before when it had the mask.

  15. wyh did you change your picture

  16. Why is it when you comment on my page you always have three periods after it?

  17. Hey Kamen rider decade, Wanna be third-in-command in my army?

  18. Hey, Thomas of Hunter. Which of Ted's books is your favorite?

    I have yet to get one. All the ones I read so far are too good.

  19. Great name ted's books rock! Did You read green?

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