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Biokid The Toa of Fire

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Status Updates posted by Biokid The Toa of Fire

  1. I meant diffrent. That is diffrent in a good way.

  2. Thank you for my B-day thingy when you say "Happy B-day!" I appreciate it.

  3. *Nasty vent*

    *My advent beast attacks you*

    *sword vent* *for len*


    *sword vent *for kase(pronounced case) Watch out for my double sided attacky thingy whatever it's called

  4. doesn't sound too powerful to me.

  5. *my advent beast comes on me and turns into a cape. I then jump up while grunting and my cape goes around me like a drill*

  6. Why'd you change your name!!

  7. Haha me too I like that personal photoas well. VEGIETALES!!!!

  8. CRYOSHEL STILL MAdE GRAVITY HURTS!!!! Sorry I was yelling wasn't I . I SAID WASN'T I!!!! THAT IS A QUEstion!! ANS- Yeah.

  9. I was only kidding about it being microscopic.

  10. Hey Kamen rider decade, Wanna be third-in-command in my army?

  11. I'm starting a superheroe and bionicle clan to rival a makuta clan I will be the leader. This comment is directed to Iron Makal

  12. No it isn't. period. the end. Ok, please tell your friends about my superheroe and bionicle clan.

  13. You can be any Superheroes (even made-up ones) or Bionicle (You can have made- up bionicle as well)

  14. You can be a made- up superhero But they can't be too powerful. She's too powerful.

  15. You can be a made- up superhero But they can't be too powerful. She's too powerful.

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