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Based Goomy

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Blog Entries posted by Based Goomy

  1. Based Goomy
    On this happy Sunday afternoon, I'm doing some exciting blogging!
    So, what should I discuss?
    Should I talk about the play at my school that just finished? People say I was perfect in it, and I suppose I believe them. But you don't want to hear about that...
    Should I talk about me forming another band? I play the bass guitar in a small band of people at my school. We started practising Dear Prudence, and I have many good ideas for songs and where we can go in the future! But you don't want to hear about that either...
    How about recent books I've read? Life of Pi is a fantastic read, as it has a tiger on a lifeboat with some Indian guy. Lord of the Flies is also decent, and it is how the island premise started. But that's not really spectacular...
    Should I talk about my social life? It's pretty good, and I know many lovely people. But that's not interesting...
    What's interesting, you may ask?
    Nothing really, to be honest.
    Sorry guys, if you were expecting an uplifting entry, you came to the wrong place.
  2. Based Goomy
    I mean, I like him, and I think he's a good actor and all, but he always plays the same character! Not literally the same character, but the same type of character.
    Superbad: played a pathetic teenager who was scared of girls.
    Youth in Revolt: Played a pathetic teenager (did rise up and because a bad boy in the end though, sorry if I spoiled it for anyone.)
    Scott Pilgrim: Played a pathetic teenager
    Seriously. Overuse or what?

  3. Based Goomy
    Well, people may or may not know this, but October 20th was "Wear Purple Day". The reason behind this was to acknowledge the recent gay teen suicide that has risen over the past few months.
    I know kids can be cruel, but drving someone to the point of suicide is just wrong.
    This is a really touchy subject for me. I have two neighbours who are a gay couple, and I've known them almost all of my life. They are two of the nicest people I know, and I really love them.
    I will never understand why the hatred and stereotyping of gay people exists. When did "gay" replace the word "sucks"? Seriously, around 1 out of every 10 people is gay. Are we really willing to shun a tenth of the world's population? Is the human race really that low?
    Sorry guys, I had to let that out.
  4. Based Goomy
    I gave Plastic Beach a download the other day. For the record it is pretty awesome.

    I do really like Stylo.

    I haven't listened to any of their other stuff.

    Love ze beat.
  5. Based Goomy
    Since I'm quite an eccentric MOCist (though you'd never know it), here's some of my latest WIPS.

    Well, this is a Kohrak-Kal revamp. I got the head, but not much else. This picture is tempting me to make a "Kohrak-Kal Frog"


    If you are familiar with the band Muse, this is a tower from their latest tour. The tower itself needs quite a bit of work (and pieces), and Dominic's drumset is lacking in awesomeness.  

    My most abstract MOC, named Silencio (from Kenny vs. Spenny), is almost done. I've given him more white than this picture. The only thing the poor guy needs is a dull-silver Kaukau, but I ordered one from Australia, so it's all good.

    After my trip to China, I decided to attempt a Chinese Dragon. I think he's alright, but his mane needs more work, and his body isn't as smooth as it should be. If I ever make him awesometastic, it'll be another dragon on BZP.

    Last but not least, we have my latest WIP. I doubt anyone will be able to tell what this is, but it needs more parts. If you have any Keetorange Piraka Torsos, send them to me ASAP.

    That's it for now guys, byebye!
  6. Based Goomy
    I don't ask BZP for much, but I do need to know some stuff.
    What is this movie about?
    Is it good?
    Will I delete my social networking accounts after seeing it?
    Also, I heard Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails did the soundtrack, so that's always a bonus!
  7. Based Goomy
    Well, everyone is doing this, so I suppose I should write an entry about it as well.

    Alright, it was amazing. Better than '09

    Freaking awesome.

    Now some personal bits:

    Letagi- Great travellin' with ya to the convention man! You've got a great taste of music! Love to do the travel again!

    EW- It was great meeting you! You are hilarious!

    Swert- I finally meet the creator of BS01. Fantastic

    Kayru- We didn't talk much, but it was great meeting you. See ya down the BrickCon road...

    KopakaNui- Dude, you are awesome. Don't ever change your style. See you at the VLC.

    Inferna Firesword- My god woman, that Kirop was mind-boggling.

    Arkov- It's always a pleasure being insane with you. It's a shame I might not see you at BC 11, you are just too incredible.

    Czar- You are an amazingly generous vendor. Thanks so much for the discounts.

    And last but not least,

    Xccj- Dude, you put so much into this year's Bionicle table. Thanks so much. I hope to see you soon at BrickFest.

  8. Based Goomy
    Man, this guy's music is awesome-tastic.
    His lyrics might not be the best, but everything else is superb.
    Only one little pet peeve Mr. Jovi:
    Why must you sing so high?
    I can't even hit the notes you sing.
    I can't practice with your material
  9. Based Goomy
    The Bass. What a lovely intrument.

    I shall be getting one soon. I look forward to exploring the underground world of the bass.

    I enjoy the bulkiness of the strings.

  10. Based Goomy
    I have have waited a year and a half for tomorrow.
    I've worked hard and set aside tons of cash for this moment.
    But tomorrow, I shall be redeemed...
    SEE YOU IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!
  11. Based Goomy
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't been bloggin' much. I've come down with a case of blogger's block.
    So, I want people to suggest things for me to talk about.
  12. Based Goomy
    Why Mr.Pilgrim, I would just like to say how much I truly enjoyed your movie!
    I enjoyed your life story throughly, and I do recommend anyone out there to witness your K.O.s!
    Although, I do think you should have just stayed with Knives (she was cuter!)
    - Was Gedian (boyfriend #7) played by Amir from Collegehumor? It looked like it.
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