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Based Goomy

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Status Updates posted by Based Goomy

  1. You could have given her something else in exchange...

  2. Welcome to BZP Venomclaw! If you need any help around here, leave a comment on my page :)

  3. Cool. What happened to that picture comic your were gonna make?

  4. Well, it's always nice to see Seinfeld fans around on here.

  5. That avatar is awesome.

  6. Wow. I've been playing a lot of bass lately...

  7. You live in Vancouver?

  8. Dire Straits are amazing!

  9. Your avatar is FREAKIN hypnotizing!

  10. Dude, you should get a personal picture.

  11. Seriously 10,000 posts? You've been doing the walk of life.

  12. Dude. I love that movie!

  13. Are you a Troublemaker?

  14. I like the Tahu in your name. If you need help, just drop me a comment.

  15. 1000 posts? Sweet

  16. Let me ask you a question: Have you ever met any BZPers in real life?

  17. You sir are awesome.

  18. Oh Dang! I missed your Birthday!

  19. Yeah, you were at BrickCon

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